Hi Frank,

You quite right, what

   It is not clear to me why this should be necessary.  osAcronym is a
   long lived std::string (well CPLString derived from std::string)
   living in the registrars attribute list.  I assume the following
   method is used to convert the CPLString to "const char *" which
   should amount to the same thing you did.

but this is not helps, as c_str() method of std::string not return pointer, but construct new zero ended const char* managed by std::string (maybe this is specific to VS2010-VS2013). This const char* cleared after some call to std::string or CPLString and we got empty (cleared) const char *pszAcronym. I think the VS2010-VS2013 compiler do this in getter by index, operator const char* or the whole GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL : aoAttrInfos[i]->osAcronym (maybe MS change the order parameter calculation or optimization). Maybe const (operator const char* (void) const) in non const (const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )) function VS2010-VS2013 specific behaviour.

OK, I fire the ticket. As I have committer rights, my I add changes, corresponding to the ticket?

Best regards,

05.12.2013 0:19, Frank Warmerdam пишет:

It is not clear to me why this should be necessary. osAcronym is a long lived std::string (well CPLString derived from std::string) living in the registrars attribute list. I assume the following method is used to convert the CPLString to "const char *" which should amount to the same thing you did.

    operator const char* (void) const { return c_str(); }

Perhaps there is some subtle reason I don't see that the compiler is creating a temporary std::string in between?

In any event, if you file a ticket I can apply this change upstream. There are other accessors on the same class that look like they could have similar issues.

Best regards,

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Dmitriy Baryshnikov <bishop....@gmail.com <mailto:bishop....@gmail.com>> wrote:


    I have such error: the GDAL compiled with VS2010-VS2013 in s57
    driver loose all additional fields values. But the same code
    compiled with gcc or previous VS works fine.
    I found the root of problems here

        const char *pszAcronym = poRegistrar->GetAttrAcronym(nAttrId);
        iField = poFeature->GetDefnRef()->GetFieldIndex(pszAcronym);

    The pszAcronym always empty.

    The problem comes from this function (ogr\ogrsf_frmts\s57\s57.h:140):

        const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
            { return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
        aoAttrInfos[i]->osAcronym; }

    It seems to me that during execution this function I have
    |situation when||c_str()|result becomes invalid
    (the|std::string|is destroyed or a non-const member function of
    the string is called).

    If I change function

        const char *GetAttrAcronym( int i )
            { return GetAttrInfo(i) == NULL ? NULL :
        aoAttrInfos[i]->osAcronym.c_str(); }

    the problem gone.

    So I need some confirmation/verification my ideas.
    If I'm right, I can make changes to s57 driver.

    Best regards,


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