I’ve been looking over the code, and I think I can make importFromWkb consume 
ISO inputs with relatively minor changes. (during the geometry type 
determination in the concrete types, it looks easy enough to add a little logic 
to deal with ISO type numbers)
For exportToWkb, I’m wondering if maybe an optional parameter (wkbVariant?) 
that defaults to wkbVariantOGC would be sufficient?

It also seems the wkb reader/writer have little handling for empty geometry 
types. I’d like to add some in, if that’s OK.

Fortunately the only substantial difference for ISO WKB is the type number.

I’m starting an isowkb branch on my git repo to hold this piece of work, I 
don’t think it’ll be very big.

Then I’ll start asking about ‘m’ dimensions :)


Paul Ramsey

On December 12, 2013 at 2:33:41 PM, Even Rouault (even.roua...@mines-paris.org) 

Le jeudi 12 décembre 2013 21:36:42, Paul Ramsey a écrit :  
> Hey all,  
> Is there already a facility for writing out ISO-standard WKB in GDAL? The  
> biggest difference is the wkbGeometryType number for the case of 3d  
> features. OGR currently uses the old extended SFSQL adopted by PostGIS.  
> ISO (naturally) did their own thing. As far as I can see, there’s no  
> support there now, or is there? P.  

Hi Paul,  

no, there's no support for ISO WKB yet. We still stick to  

I can imagine we could have exportToISOWkb() method in OGRGeometry*. Or we  
could add an extra boolean argument bISOWkb to the existing exportToWkb(). Not  
sure about WkbSize() : does the size of ISO WKB blobs differ from the 
WKB ?  


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