
>["gdalwarp", "-q",  "-multi",   ...   "TEST2.tiff"])

Each arg must be an element in the list.


On Jan 19, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Simon Proud <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wish to call gdalwarp from within a python script but I cannot get it to
> work.
> The command I wish to run is:
> gdalwarp -q -multi -r cubicspline -t_srs '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +h=35785831'
> -te -5568748.2758 -5568748.4774 5568748.2758 5568748.2758 -tr 3000.40316582
> 3000.40316582 -srcnodata 65535 TEST.tiff TEST2.tiff
> I'm running on Ubuntu 12.04. The above command works perfectly when called
> from a terminal window and produces a good output image.
> But when I run from python I get problems.
> First, I tried to run with["gdalwarp","-q -multi ...
> TEST2.tiff"]) then all I see is the default usage instructions. No file is
> created. Same if I use popen.
> If I use: os.system("gdalwarp -q -multi ... TEST2.tiff") then it does run
> and I see the expected text on the screen. However, in this case the output
> file is blank - it is the right size and contains the right georeferencing
> information but every pixel in the image has a value of zero.
> Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem here?
> Thanks!
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