Hi David,

Following on from the VRT / Bigtiff comparison Jukka posted. Have you 
considered storing the data as a single KEA format file, which is based on HDF5?

I have the National Elevation Dataset for the US, which comprises 3,605 1 x 1 
degree tiles at 1 arc sec resolution. I first created a VRT then used 
gdal_translate to convert to a KEA file. Total size is 421,212 x 252,012 
pixels, 77 GB. I also built overviews for a fast display (this took a long time 
and I don't think is needed for your case).

I've just tried using gdallocationinfo on the file to get pixel information and 
it takes < 0.5s to get the pixel value back. 

The KEA library and GDAL driver source are available from:


and the format is described in:

Peter Bunting, Sam Gillingham, The KEA image file format, Computers & 
Geosciences, Volume 57, August 2013, Pages 54-58, ISSN 0098-3004, 

If you don't mind having one massive file (in addition to the individual tiles, 
which could be archived), this might work for your use case. 



> Message: 10
> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:15:53 +0000
> From: "David Baker (Geoscience)" <david.m.ba...@chk.com>
> To: "'gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org'" <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: [gdal-dev] Fast Pixel Access
> Message-ID:
>       <2a18a4344312134b937df938d992264a0508f...@okcexhprd122.chkenergy.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Dev's,
> I have a set of 55,501 bil files in a single directory.  They are DEMS data 
> that cover the US in 7.5 minute tiles.  I would like to randomly access 
> elevations at a given lat/lon's from the whole dataset.  I created a vrt file 
> from the directory of bil files, and have been able to access the elevation 
> at a given lat/lon using gdallocationinfo, but because of the size of the 
> dataset, this operation is somewhat slow.  Can the vrt be indexed? Or, is 
> there a faster, better way to access the pixels?  I would first like to do 
> this with the utilities before diving into code (C#).  The files are 
> regularly named base on their location within a 1 arc-second grid.
> Thanks,
> David
> David M. Baker
> Senior Advisor - Geoscience Technology
> Chesapeake Energy Corporation
> david.m.ba...@chk.com<mailto:david.m.ba...@chk.com>

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