Hi Even,

I plan to mentor Geography Network support, but I can co-mentor one of such interesting projects:
- OGR Driver for MongoDB
- Bring up to speed the OGR style support for GDAL
- Implement write support for the PostGIS Raster GDAL driver

Best regards,

19.03.2014 19:02, Even Rouault пишет:
Fowarding to gdal-dev where this might raise more interest.

----------  Message transmis  ----------

Sujet : [OSGeo-Discuss] Any one is interested in the support of GDAL for
Date : mercredi 19 mars 2014, 15:25:46
De : "Zhang, Shuai" <sh...@illinois.edu>
À : OSGeo Google Summer of Code list <s...@lists.osgeo.org>, OSGeo Discuss list
<disc...@lists.osgeo.org>, OSGeo Education List <edu_disc...@lists.osgeo.org>,
ICA OSGeo Labs list <ica-osgeo-l...@lists.osgeo.org>

Hi All,

Sorry to bother, but i think we need a mentor for the idea to have GDAL
support MongoDB.

I noticed that GDAL has a CouchDB driver which is a good start to have GDAL
powered by NoSQL Database Technologies. However, I think GDAL community should
pay attention to MongoDB as well.

MongoDB, which has native support for maintaining geospatial data, using a
document-oriented model, lies in fifth place in the DB-Engines Ranking
(http://db-engines.com/en/ranking) of database management systems classed
according to popularity and the highest rated non-relational system. From
version 2.4 (released on March 19, 2013), MongoDB introduces Geohash indexes
support for a subset of GeoJSON geometries including basic shapes like points,
linestrings, polygons. And quite a number of partners related with big data,
NoSQL, cloud, mobile and high performance computing join the MongoDB

I spent several years developing parallel geo-algorithms to tackle some geo-
problems on the high performance computing platform, and had a burning
feelings that we need a powerful and distributed spatial database to cooperate
with the hpc environment running on the large scale Linux cluster.
Unfortunately we don't have much choices in the GIS fields.  MongoDB and
CouchDB may be a good ground to start with.

Perhaps, we should make GDAL spinning on MongoDB platform simply because it
will prevent us from re-invent the wheel and get lots of GIS tools reusable to
deal with the geo-info maintain in the NoSQL database, and enable the Open
Source GIS Ecosystem powered by the advanced NoSQL database since GDAL servers
as the foundation.




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