Ouch, sorry. I think that if HFA driver support this projection it's everything is OK.

Best regards,

25.03.2014 14:49, Even Rouault пишет:
Selon Dmitriy Baryshnikov <bishop....@gmail.com>:

Hi Even,

hfadataset.cpp near 3686 ln
else if( EQUAL(pszProjName, "Times") )
sPro.proNumber = EPRJ_TIMES;
sPro.proName = (char*) "Times";
sPro.proParams[4] = oSRS.GetProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN)*D2R;
sPro.proParams[6] = oSRS.GetProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING);
sPro.proParams[7] = oSRS.GetProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING);

also I try this code
OGRSpatialReference pSpaRef;
const char *pszWkt =

pSpaRef.importFromWkt((char **)&pszWkt);
char *pszPrtWKT = NULL;
pSpaRef.exportToPrettyWkt(&pszPrtWKT );
CPLFree(pszPrtWKT );

And OGRSpatialReference eat this WKT.
Ah ok, well it is just that it is valid WKT. But we cannot really tell that GDAL
fully supports it currently. For example the Validate() method of
OGRSpatialReference would return FALSE since it doesn't know the Times
projection method, and which projection parameters are valid with it. And we
don't have a OGRSpatialReference.SetTimes() method. And not mentionning
importFromProj4/exportToProj4() (but we would need proj.4 support of it before
of course)

Best regards,

25.03.2014 12:35, Even Rouault пОшет:

where did you find reference to the "times" projection in OGR ? I can't
find it.

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