Le samedi 05 avril 2014 22:24:14, Martin Landa a écrit :
> Hi Even,
> 2014-04-05 22:10 GMT+02:00 Even Rouault <even.roua...@mines-paris.org>:
> there is another issue which I would like to solve.
> The layers contain multiple geometries (MultiPoint and MultiPolygon),
> the relevant tags are
> <cities>
>  <city>
>   <geometry>
>    <point></point>
>    <polygon></polygon>
>   </geometry>
>  </city>
> </cities>
> In related GFS I have defined:
>   <GMLFeatureClass>
>     <Name>cities</Name>
>     <ElementPath>cities|city</ElementPath>
>     <SRSName>urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5514</SRSName>
>     <GeometryType>4</GeometryType>
>     <GeometryElementPath>geometry|point</GeometryElementPath>
>     <!-- OriginalniHranice -->
>     <GeometryType>6</GeometryType>
>     <GeometryElementPath>geometry|polygon</GeometryElementPath>
>     ...
>   </GMLFeatureClass>
> Is there any way how to set names also for geometry tags? Similar to
> properties, eg.
>     <PropertyDefn>
>       <Name>myname</Name>
>       <ElementPath>tagname</ElementPath>
>     </PropertyDefn>
> I would like to name them without 'geometry|' part...

Hum, this isn't yet possible, but I can try to see if I can add support for 

> Another issue is related to SRS, it's geometry-oriented, ie. it's
> reported twice in this case - separately for each geometry type. I
> would prefer layer-based SRS in this case...
>  SRS WKT (geometry|point):
> PROJCS["S-JTSK / Krovak East North",
>  ...
> SRS WKT (geometry|polygon):
> PROJCS["S-JTSK / Krovak East North",
>  ...

This is really wanted. The SRS is a property of a geometry column. There are 
cases where 2 geometry columns could have a different SRS.

> Thanks for any pointers in advance, Martin

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