Le lundi 14 avril 2014 16:16:09, Nicole Stoffels a écrit :
> Dear Gdal-List,
> I have a large ASTER file (downloaded from
> http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eu-dem#tab-european-data) in
> the GeoTIFF-format. It is compressed with LZW. What I want to do is:
> 1. unpack it
> 2. seperate a smaller region from it
> 3. convert this regional GeoTIFF to a PNG

I've downloaded the file and it contains only "nan" (not a number) values. So 
nothing wrong with GDAL. It is just a tile that is at the border of the whole 
dataset and has no useful data in it.

If you look at the coordinates :

Upper Left  ( 6000000.000, 5000000.000) ( 46d 5'30.86"E, 64d 4'23.83"N)
Lower Left  ( 6000000.000, 4000000.000) ( 37d47' 0.49"E, 56d 7'28.33"N)
Upper Right ( 7000000.000, 5000000.000) ( 61d24'37.34"E, 58d45'47.24"N)
Lower Right ( 7000000.000, 4000000.000) ( 51d32'27.75"E, 51d55'27.24"N)
Center      ( 6500000.000, 4500000.000) ( 49d 5'19.45"E, 58d 0'56.34"N)

The center is ~ N 58 E 49, and Moscow is ~ N 55 E 37, so you're definitely 
outside European Union...

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