Le vendredi 02 mai 2014 13:23:19, Yasin Selçuk Berber a écrit :
> hello,
> how can i know which proj4 version uses gdal v1.9.2 internally ?
> the reason for why i am asking this: i am trying to warp my raster data
> into Google Mercator projection from within python, and for the target srs,
> i am using function ImportFromEPSG(3857) with gdal v1.9.2 (with python
> bindings) and want to know if version 1.9.2 has the new support for Google
> Mercator.
> i checked the release date for proj4 v4.8.0 and gdal v1.9.2 and saw gdal
> v1.9.2 is more recently released. does this mean gdal uses at least v4.8.0
> internally or maybe even 4.9.0? (i mean, are proj4 and gdal releases keeped
> parallel ?)
> below is cropped text from proj4 release notes.

GDAL has no "internal" proj.4 version. You have to check by other means which 
proj.4 version is installed on your system.

> ----------
> 4.7.0 Release Notes
> ...
> Regenerated nad/epsg init file with EPSG 7.1 database, including new
> support for Google Mercator (EPSG:3857).
> ...
> thanks

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