
I would also check how ogr2ogr options –a_srs and –t_srs  behave or if the OCI 
driver option –lco SRID is still needed.


Lähettäjä: Michael Smith [mailto:michael.smith.e...@gmail.com]
Lähetetty: 17. marraskuuta 2016 13:49
Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <jukka.rahko...@maanmittauslaitos.fi>
Kopio: 'gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org' (gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org) 
Aihe: Re: [gdal-dev] Ogr2ogr -dim and Oracle

Yes even the current version needs the layer creation option for dim. I would 
be +1 for this change (never really understood why it was this way). I think we 
are probably one of the biggest users of the oracle driver and I think this 
would be a good improvement.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 17, 2016, at 2:06 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) 

I noticed that Even was editing the ogr2ogr help about the –dim parameter and  
remembered that I think that it does not have an effect on the OCI driver. For 
forcing a new Oracle table into 2D you must use the OCI drivers own layer 
creation option “DIM” instead http://www.gdal.org/drv_oci.html. I am not sure 
if that happens also with the current GDAL version.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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