Even Rouault wrote:

>On mardi 13 février 2018 02:06:47 CET jratike80 wrote:
>> Even Rouault-2 wrote
>> > On lundi 22 janvier 2018 23:40:55 CET Even Rouault wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >> 
>> >> > P.S. @Even: Any news on a GDAL/OGR MVT reader?
>> >> 
>> >> Yes, a new OGR MVT reader has just been committed in GDAL trunk:
>> >> http://gdal.org/drv_mvt.html
>> > 
>> > And the writer part (for MVT and MBTILES) driver is now in trunk
>> > 
>> > http://gdal.org/drv_mvt.html
>> > http://gdal.org/frmt_mbtiles.html
>> > 
>> > Even
>> Hi,
>> At the moment we create MVT tiles from PostGIS with ST_AsMVT to suit with
>> the national gridset that is based on ETRS-TM35FIN (EPSG:3067) coordinate
>> system. How difficult would you consider to enhance the driver to split and
>> write vector tiles according to other gridsets than the Web Mercator one?
>Not that much. But is there a standard way of deriving the tiling scheme for 
>that CRS ? I guess not. You'd probably need to manually define the >coordinate 
>of the left-corner of the tile (0,0) in the CRS and the resolution of the tile 
>at zoom level 0.
There is actually a Finnish national recommendation about the EPSG:3067 tiling 
schema. The top-left corner of the zero tile is at
-548576 E, 8388608 N, with resolution of 8192 meters.



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