
I tried to add ground control points into a TIFF file with gdal_edit. I do not 
want to touch the TIFF so I used the read-only option and supposed that gcp 
would be written into .aux.xml file but that did not happen. Instead I got a 

gdal_edit -ro -gcp 1 1 20 30 test.tif
ERROR 6: test.tif: SetGCPs() is only supported on newly created GeoTIFF files.

Without -ro gdal_edit adds ground control points into the TIFF without errors. 
What might be the meaning of the message about "newly created GeoTIFF" and is 
there some way to make gdal_edit to write ground control points into PAM file? 
I know that I can use gdal_translate and VRT as a workaround but PAM .aux.xml 
could be a bit better for my whole workflow.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
gdal-dev mailing list

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