
The spatialreference.org site looks very good! Thanks for the refactoring, and 
for the links to the definitions at epsg.org.
About the translations, by experience I can tell that translating technical 
text is harder than you may think because the translator should also understand 
what the documented thing is doing. Translating word-by-word may lead into 
badly misleading result. I am not at all against translations, for example QGIS 
is certainly more popular now in Finland because the user interface is 
localized. However, I think it took about three years from a group of 
volunteers before the translation was more useful than funny.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: gdal-dev <gdal-dev-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> Puolesta Howard Butler 
via gdal-dev
Lähetetty: maanantai 29. tammikuuta 2024 20.43
Vastaanottaja: gdal dev <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org>
Aihe: [gdal-dev] GDAL Maintainers Meeting Minutes

Howard Butler, Even Rouault, Dan Baston, Sean Gilles, Javier Jiminez Shaw, and 
Alessandro Pasotti held the monthly GDAL Maintainers Meeting on 11/23/2023. The 
following items were discussed and reported upon:

Fundraising update

Annual renewals are now going out to sponsors, so if you are a coordinator of 
GDAL funding in your organization, please be on the lookout for them. 

Maintenance activities update


No activity this month


* Add GetExtent3D "fast" implementation for GeoJSON 
* GDAL Raster Tile Index driver review. Find out more at 

* 3.8.3 Bugfix release. See https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.8.3/NEWS.md 
for release notes
* Added CodeQL analyzer via GitHub Actions. It identified nearly 300 issues, 
though almost all of them were false positives or unconcerning.
* Submitted GDAL to the OpenSSF for a security scorecard. It initially ranked 
5.8/10, and Even completed actions to improve its score such as providing PR 
submissions to CodeQL. It currently ranks 9.0/10.0, with the item most 
contributing to its slightly reduced score being the need for more code and PR 
reviews (we need more PR reviews from GDAL collaborators!) See  
https://securityscorecards.dev/viewer/?uri=github.com/OSGeo/gdalfor details on 
the score. 


* Javier refactored https://spatialreference.org/. It now loads very fast, it 
is statically generated, and it is open source software that users can deploy 
in their own environments. Thanks again Javier!


* Sean added GitHub Actions that listen to the GDAL release tag and fire and 
runs rasterio's tests when a GDAL release is issued. 
* Sean added exception chaining in rasterio and this prompted a discussion 
about lack of enthusiasm for changing any of GDAL's error handling behaviors.

Translation Discussion

Alessandro began a discussion about the need to add language translation of 
open options for drivers, how the project could go about managing them. 
Discussion evolved to covering translation of contextual error messages and the 
challenge of maintaining and providing that. No action was to be taken at this 
time, but if this is a topic that's interesting to you, please chime in on the 
mailing list or in a ticket.

The next GDAL Maintainers Meeting is 02/22/2024 at 9:00 EDT. Any PSC members 
are welcome to join by reaching out to me for an invite.

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