Hi Bob,
what course u are teaching out there? give me the link to it, perhaps i
will learn there something useful as i am also a student.

On 21 June 2012 05:09, Bob Plantz <pla...@ieee.org> wrote:

> On 6/20/2012 1:39 PM, Adam Beneschan wrote:
>>> I am using the following assembly language program (doNothingProg.s) for
>>> instruction purposes:
>>>          .text
>>>          .globl  main
>>>          .type   main, @function
>>> main:
>>>          pushq   %rbp        # save caller's frame pointer
>>>          movq    %rsp, %rbp  # establish our frame pointer
>>>          movl    $0, %eax    # return 0 to caller
>>>          movq    %rbp, %rsp  # restore stack pointer
>>>          popq    %rbp        # restore caller's frame pointer
>>>          ret                 # back to caller
>>> I want to set a breakpoint at the first instruction (pushq %rbp) so
>>> students can see how the stack frame is created.
>> break *&main
>>                                 -- Adam
> Thank you for the response Adam.
> Actually, break *main worked for me. (Or just br *main). I'm not in Linux
> right now, but I will double check next time I log in.
> I found this by using info gdb and some looking around. As usual, the
> answer is in the documentation, as I often told my students. :-[
> --Bob

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