Wed Jul  3 16:12:33 MDT 2002

Update of /var/lib/cvs/fugalh/gdmxml
In directory andreas:/tmp/cvs-serv8439

Modified Files:
        gdmxml.rnc gdmxml.rng 
Log Message:
I changed my mind on naming conventions. Dashes are slightly easier to type and also 
more consistent with XML conventions, as well as the GDM specification.
commit by: fugalh

O slender as a willow-wand!  O clearer than clear water!
O reed by the living pool!  Fair river-daughter!
O spring-time and summer-time, and spring again after!
O wind on the waterfall, and the leaves' laughter!
                -- J. R. R. Tolkien


Index: fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rnc
diff -u fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rnc:1.4 fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rnc:1.5
--- fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rnc:1.4        Wed Jul  3 09:27:21 2002
+++ fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rnc    Wed Jul  3 16:12:33 2002
@@ -1,83 +1,82 @@
 # gdmxml - an XML schema for the GENTECH Genealogical Data Model
 # Copyright 2002 Hans Fugal
-# rng compatibility for ID/IDREF(S)
 activity = 
   element activity {
     attribute id { xsd:ID },
-    attribute researcher_id { xsd:IDREF },
-    attribute type { "administrative_task" | "search" },
+    attribute researcher-id { xsd:IDREF },
+    attribute type { "administrative-task" | "search" },
     attribute status { text },
     attribute priority { text },
-    element scheduled_date { \date }?,
+    element scheduled-date { \date }?,
     element description { text },
     element comments { text }
-administrative_task = element administrative_task {
-  attribute activity_id { xsd:IDREF }
+administrative-task = element administrative-task {
+  attribute activity-id { xsd:IDREF }
 assertion = element assertion {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute surety_scheme_part_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute researcher_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute source_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  \assertion_subject,
-  \assertion_subject,
+  attribute surety-scheme-part-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute researcher-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute source-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  \assertion-subject,
+  \assertion-subject,
   (element value { text } | element role { text }),
   element rationale { text },
   element disproved { empty }?
-assertion_subject = element assertion_subject {
+assertion-subject = element assertion-subject {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   attribute type { "persona" | "event" | "characteristic" | "group" }
-assertion_assertion = element assertion_assertion {
-  attribute assertion_id_low { text },
-  attribute assertion_id_hight { text },
-  attribute sequence_number { text }
+assertion-assertion = element assertion-assertion {
+  attribute assertion-id-low { text },
+  attribute assertion-id-hight { text },
+  attribute sequence-number { text }
 characteristic = element characteristic {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute place_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  \characteristic_date,
-  element sort_order { "ascending" | "descending" | "none" }?
+  attribute place-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  \characteristic-date,
+  element sort-order { "ascending" | "descending" | "none" }?
-characteristic_date = element characteristic_date { \gen_date }
+characteristic-date = element characteristic-date { \gen-date }
-characteristic_part = element characteristic_part { 
+characteristic-part = element characteristic-part { 
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute characteristic_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute characteristic_part_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute characteristic-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute characteristic-part-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text },
-  attribute sequence_number { text }
+  attribute sequence-number { text }
-characteristic_part_type = element characteristic_part_type {
+characteristic-part-type = element characteristic-part-type {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text }
-citation_part = element citation_part {
-  attribute source_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute citation_part_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
+citation-part = element citation-part {
+  attribute source-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute citation-part-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element value { text }
-citation_part_type = element citation_part_type {
+citation-part-type = element citation-part-type {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text }
@@ -85,75 +84,75 @@
 event = element event {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute event_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute place_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute event-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute place-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text },
-  element date { \gen_date }
+  element date { \gen-date }
-event_type = element event_type {
+event-type = element event-type {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text } 
-event_type_role = element event_type_role {
+event-type-role = element event-type-role {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute event_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute event-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text }
 group = element group {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute group_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute place_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute group-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute place-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text },
-  element date { \gen_date },
+  element date { \gen-date },
   element criteria { text }
-group_type = element group_type {
+group-type = element group-type {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text },
-  element sort_order { "ascending" | "descending" | "none" }?
+  element sort-order { "ascending" | "descending" | "none" }?
-group_type_role = element group_type_role {
+group-type-role = element group-type-role {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute group_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute group-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text },
-  element sequence_number { text }
+  element sequence-number { text }
 persona = element persona {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  \persona_name,
-  element description_comments { text }
+  \persona-name,
+  element description-comments { text }
-persona_name = element persona_name { text }
+persona-name = element persona-name { text }
 place = element place {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  element existence_date { \gen_date },
-  element sort_order { "ascending" | "descending" | "none" }?
+  element existence-date { \gen-date },
+  element sort-order { "ascending" | "descending" | "none" }?
-place_part = element place_part {
-  attribute place_part_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute place_id { xsd:IDREF },
+place-part = element place-part {
+  attribute place-part-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute place-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text },
-  element sequence_number { text }
+  element sequence-number { text }
-place_part_type = element place_part_type {
+place-part-type = element place-part-type {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text }
@@ -163,13 +162,13 @@
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text },
   element description { text },
-  element client_data { text }?
+  element client-data { text }?
 repository = element repository {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute place_id { xsd:IDREF},
+  attribute place-id { xsd:IDREF},
   element name { text },
   element address { text }?,
   element phone { text }?,
@@ -178,19 +177,19 @@
-repository_source = element repository_source {
-  attribute repository_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute source_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute activity_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  element call_number { text },
+repository-source = element repository-source {
+  attribute repository-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute source-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute activity-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  element call-number { text },
   element description { text }
 representation = element representation {
-  attribute source_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute source-id { xsd:IDREF },
   # mime-type here?
-  attribute representation_type_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute representation-type-id { xsd:IDREF },
   # href?
   element physical-file-code { text },
   # mime-type? perhaps for electronic but what about paper, tombstone, etc.?
@@ -201,7 +200,7 @@
-representation_type = element representation_type {
+representation-type = element representation-type {
   # it seems a mime-type might suffice for this...
   # "Contains a list of the types of representations of evidence, such as text,
   # a TIF bitmap, a GIF bitmap, a WAV file, or other forms."
@@ -210,20 +209,20 @@
-research_objective = element research_objective {
+research-objective = element research-objective {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute project_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute project-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text },
   element description { text },
-  element sequence_number { text },
+  element sequence-number { text },
   element priority { text },
   element status { text }
-research_objective_activity = element research_objective_activity {
-  attribute research_objective_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute activity_id { xsd:IDREF }
+research-objective-activity = element research-objective-activity {
+  attribute research-objective-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute activity-id { xsd:IDREF }
@@ -235,58 +234,58 @@
-researcher_project = element researcher_project {
-  attribute researcher_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute project_id { xsd:IDREF },
+researcher-project = element researcher-project {
+  attribute researcher-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute project-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element role { text }?
 search = element search {
-  attribute activity_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute source_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute repository_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  element searched_for { text }
+  attribute activity-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute source-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute repository-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  element searched-for { text }
 source = element source {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute higher_source_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute subject_place_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute jurisdiction_place_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  attribute researcher_id { xsd:IDREF },
-  element subject_date { \gen_date },
+  attribute higher-source-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute subject-place-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute jurisdiction-place-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute researcher-id { xsd:IDREF },
+  element subject-date { \gen-date },
   element comments { text }
-source_group = element source_group {
+source-group = element source-group {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text }
-source_group_source = element source_group_source {
+source-group-source = element source-group-source {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute source_group_id { xsd:IDREF }
+  attribute source-group-id { xsd:IDREF }
-surety_scheme = element surety_scheme {
+surety-scheme = element surety-scheme {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
   element name { text },
   element description { text }
-surety_scheme_part = element surety_scheme_part {
+surety-scheme-part = element surety-scheme-part {
   attribute id { xsd:ID },
-  attribute surety_scheme_id { xsd:IDREF },
+  attribute surety-scheme-id { xsd:IDREF },
   element name { text },
   element description { text },
-  element sequence_number { text }
+  element sequence-number { text }
-# $Id: gdmxml.rnc,v 1.4 2002/07/03 15:27:21 fugalh Exp $
+# $Id: gdmxml.rnc,v 1.5 2002/07/03 22:12:33 fugalh Exp $
 # vim: shiftwidth=2 expandtab softtabstop=2

Index: fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rng
diff -u fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rng:1.5 fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rng:1.6
--- fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rng:1.5        Wed Jul  3 09:27:21 2002
+++ fugalh/gdmxml/gdmxml.rng    Wed Jul  3 16:12:33 2002
@@ -4,26 +4,25 @@
     gdmxml - an XML schema for the GENTECH Genealogical Data Model
     Copyright 2002 Hans Fugal
-  <!-- rng compatibility for ID/IDREF(S) -->
   <define name="activity">
     <element name="activity">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="researcher_id">
+      <attribute name="researcher-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <attribute name="type">
-          <value>administrative_task</value>
+          <value>administrative-task</value>
       <attribute name="status"/>
       <attribute name="priority"/>
-        <element name="scheduled_date">
+        <element name="scheduled-date">
           <ref name="date"/>
@@ -35,10 +34,10 @@
-  <define name="administrative_task">
+  <define name="administrative-task">
-    <element name="administrative_task">
-      <attribute name="activity_id">
+    <element name="administrative-task">
+      <attribute name="activity-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
@@ -49,17 +48,17 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="surety_scheme_part_id">
+      <attribute name="surety-scheme-part-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="researcher_id">
+      <attribute name="researcher-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="source_id">
+      <attribute name="source-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <ref name="assertion_subject"/>
-      <ref name="assertion_subject"/>
+      <ref name="assertion-subject"/>
+      <ref name="assertion-subject"/>
         <element name="value">
@@ -78,8 +77,8 @@
-  <define name="assertion_subject">
-    <element name="assertion_subject">
+  <define name="assertion-subject">
+    <element name="assertion-subject">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -93,12 +92,12 @@
-  <define name="assertion_assertion">
+  <define name="assertion-assertion">
-    <element name="assertion_assertion">
-      <attribute name="assertion_id_low"/>
-      <attribute name="assertion_id_hight"/>
-      <attribute name="sequence_number"/>
+    <element name="assertion-assertion">
+      <attribute name="assertion-id-low"/>
+      <attribute name="assertion-id-hight"/>
+      <attribute name="sequence-number"/>
   <define name="characteristic">
@@ -107,12 +106,12 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="place_id">
+      <attribute name="place-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <ref name="characteristic_date"/>
+      <ref name="characteristic-date"/>
-        <element name="sort_order">
+        <element name="sort-order">
@@ -122,32 +121,32 @@
-  <define name="characteristic_date">
-    <element name="characteristic_date">
-      <ref name="gen_date"/>
+  <define name="characteristic-date">
+    <element name="characteristic-date">
+      <ref name="gen-date"/>
-  <define name="characteristic_part">
+  <define name="characteristic-part">
-    <element name="characteristic_part">
+    <element name="characteristic-part">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="characteristic_id">
+      <attribute name="characteristic-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="characteristic_part_type_id">
+      <attribute name="characteristic-part-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
-      <attribute name="sequence_number"/>
+      <attribute name="sequence-number"/>
-  <define name="characteristic_part_type">
+  <define name="characteristic-part-type">
-    <element name="characteristic_part_type">
+    <element name="characteristic-part-type">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -156,13 +155,13 @@
-  <define name="citation_part">
+  <define name="citation-part">
-    <element name="citation_part">
-      <attribute name="source_id">
+    <element name="citation-part">
+      <attribute name="source-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="citation_part_type_id">
+      <attribute name="citation-part-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="value">
@@ -170,9 +169,9 @@
-  <define name="citation_part_type">
+  <define name="citation-part-type">
-    <element name="citation_part_type">
+    <element name="citation-part-type">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -187,23 +186,23 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="event_type_id">
+      <attribute name="event-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="place_id">
+      <attribute name="place-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
       <element name="date">
-        <ref name="gen_date"/>
+        <ref name="gen-date"/>
-  <define name="event_type">
+  <define name="event-type">
-    <element name="event_type">
+    <element name="event-type">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -212,13 +211,13 @@
-  <define name="event_type_role">
+  <define name="event-type-role">
-    <element name="event_type_role">
+    <element name="event-type-role">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="event_type_id">
+      <attribute name="event-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
@@ -232,26 +231,26 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="group_type_id">
+      <attribute name="group-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="place_id">
+      <attribute name="place-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
       <element name="date">
-        <ref name="gen_date"/>
+        <ref name="gen-date"/>
       <element name="criteria">
-  <define name="group_type">
+  <define name="group-type">
-    <element name="group_type">
+    <element name="group-type">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -259,7 +258,7 @@
-        <element name="sort_order">
+        <element name="sort-order">
@@ -269,19 +268,19 @@
-  <define name="group_type_role">
+  <define name="group-type-role">
-    <element name="group_type_role">
+    <element name="group-type-role">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="group_type_id">
+      <attribute name="group-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
-      <element name="sequence_number">
+      <element name="sequence-number">
@@ -292,14 +291,14 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <ref name="persona_name"/>
-      <element name="description_comments">
+      <ref name="persona-name"/>
+      <element name="description-comments">
-  <define name="persona_name">
-    <element name="persona_name">
+  <define name="persona-name">
+    <element name="persona-name">
@@ -309,11 +308,11 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <element name="existence_date">
-        <ref name="gen_date"/>
+      <element name="existence-date">
+        <ref name="gen-date"/>
-        <element name="sort_order">
+        <element name="sort-order">
@@ -323,26 +322,26 @@
-  <define name="place_part">
+  <define name="place-part">
-    <element name="place_part">
-      <attribute name="place_part_type_id">
+    <element name="place-part">
+      <attribute name="place-part-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="place_id">
+      <attribute name="place-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
-      <element name="sequence_number">
+      <element name="sequence-number">
-  <define name="place_part_type">
+  <define name="place-part-type">
-    <element name="place_part_type">
+    <element name="place-part-type">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -364,7 +363,7 @@
-        <element name="client_data">
+        <element name="client-data">
@@ -376,7 +375,7 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="place_id">
+      <attribute name="place-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
@@ -404,19 +403,19 @@
-  <define name="repository_source">
+  <define name="repository-source">
-    <element name="repository_source">
-      <attribute name="repository_id">
+    <element name="repository-source">
+      <attribute name="repository-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="source_id">
+      <attribute name="source-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="activity_id">
+      <attribute name="activity-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <element name="call_number">
+      <element name="call-number">
       <element name="description">
@@ -427,11 +426,11 @@
   <define name="representation">
     <a:documentation>REPRESENTATION </a:documentation>
     <element name="representation">
-      <attribute name="source_id">
+      <attribute name="source-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <!-- mime-type here? -->
-      <attribute name="representation_type_id">
+      <attribute name="representation-type-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <!-- href? -->
@@ -451,9 +450,9 @@
-  <define name="representation_type">
+  <define name="representation-type">
-    <element name="representation_type">
+    <element name="representation-type">
         it seems a mime-type might suffice for this...
         "Contains a list of the types of representations of evidence, such as text,
@@ -467,13 +466,13 @@
-  <define name="research_objective">
+  <define name="research-objective">
-    <element name="research_objective">
+    <element name="research-objective">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="project_id">
+      <attribute name="project-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
@@ -482,7 +481,7 @@
       <element name="description">
-      <element name="sequence_number">
+      <element name="sequence-number">
       <element name="priority">
@@ -493,13 +492,13 @@
-  <define name="research_objective_activity">
+  <define name="research-objective-activity">
-    <element name="research_objective_activity">
-      <attribute name="research_objective_id">
+    <element name="research-objective-activity">
+      <attribute name="research-objective-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="activity_id">
+      <attribute name="activity-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
@@ -523,13 +522,13 @@
-  <define name="researcher_project">
+  <define name="researcher-project">
-    <element name="researcher_project">
-      <attribute name="researcher_id">
+    <element name="researcher-project">
+      <attribute name="researcher-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="project_id">
+      <attribute name="project-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
@@ -542,16 +541,16 @@
   <define name="search">
     <element name="search">
-      <attribute name="activity_id">
+      <attribute name="activity-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="source_id">
+      <attribute name="source-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="repository_id">
+      <attribute name="repository-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <element name="searched_for">
+      <element name="searched-for">
@@ -562,29 +561,29 @@
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="higher_source_id">
+      <attribute name="higher-source-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="subject_place_id">
+      <attribute name="subject-place-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="jurisdiction_place_id">
+      <attribute name="jurisdiction-place-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <attribute name="researcher_id">
+      <attribute name="researcher-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-      <element name="subject_date">
-        <ref name="gen_date"/>
+      <element name="subject-date">
+        <ref name="gen-date"/>
       <element name="comments">
-  <define name="source_group">
+  <define name="source-group">
-    <element name="source_group">
+    <element name="source-group">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -593,20 +592,20 @@
-  <define name="source_group_source">
+  <define name="source-group-source">
-    <element name="source_group_source">
+    <element name="source-group-source">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="source_group_id">
+      <attribute name="source-group-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
-  <define name="surety_scheme">
+  <define name="surety-scheme">
-    <element name="surety_scheme">
+    <element name="surety-scheme">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
@@ -618,13 +617,13 @@
-  <define name="surety_scheme_part">
+  <define name="surety-scheme-part">
-    <element name="surety_scheme_part">
+    <element name="surety-scheme-part">
       <attribute name="id">
         <data type="ID"/>
-      <attribute name="surety_scheme_id">
+      <attribute name="surety-scheme-id">
         <data type="IDREF"/>
       <element name="name">
@@ -633,13 +632,13 @@
       <element name="description">
-      <element name="sequence_number">
+      <element name="sequence-number">
-  $Id: gdmxml.rng,v 1.5 2002/07/03 15:27:21 fugalh Exp $
+  $Id: gdmxml.rng,v 1.6 2002/07/03 22:12:33 fugalh Exp $
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