Estimado Manuel y los demás miembros de GDUTB:

Referente  a  su mensaje enviado el Martes 26 de Junio de 2001 a las
12:51:12  PM  relativo al tema de "Nuevos productos" y el cliente de
correo  PocoMail, le comento que solicité comentarios comparando TB!
con ese PocoMail en TBUDL y TBTech en ingles, además de contactar un
profesor  de Física en la Universidad de San Pedrosburgo (AVK) quien
había  comparado  TB! con Pegasus a nivel de los protocolos RFC (las
normas oficiales los cuales reglamentan el uso de correo electrónico
en  el  Internet) hace tiempo, quien participa en la lista de TB! en
Ruso y también casualmente, conoce PocoMail.

A  continuación  adjunto  los  resultados  de  dicha solicitud y las
opiniones  son variadas. Hay quienes les gusta mucho a PocoMail (DZ,
sobre   todo),   mientras   para  los  otros  dos  observadores  que
respondieron,  PocoMail  es  poca  cosa  relativo  al  Murciélago de
Moldavo  (pues,  TB!),  aunque  reconocen  que su uso de un lenguaje
basado  en  texto  (script)  le  brinda  una  capacidad  de  filtrar
impresionante   a   PocoMail  (no  conozco  los  otros  dos  quienes
respondieron,  y francamente, me gustó el modo de DZ en lo personal,
aunque  algo  sabe  de  ambos programas). Un comentario sobre el del
lenguaje  tipo "Script" de PocoMail: Ya que se puede copiar filtros,
editarlos  como  texto  y  usar  lenguajes como Perl con expresiones
regulares  en  el  nuevo TB!, tal vez la ventaja de PocoMail en este
sentido no es permanente.

Mi  intención  era de traducirlo pero lo voy a dejar para cada quien
practica  su  ingles. (Pues, tengo otros compromisos - pregúntame lo
que  no  entienden, si quieren). Empiezo con el profesor (quien dice
LookOut en lugar de OutLook de broma), a quien le dije:

DHM>>> I am assuming that you've seen or will look at pocomail, of course.

AVK>> It's installed here right now;-)

DHM> So you do know it.

DHM>>> Pocomail seems to have copied at least some TB°! attributes.
AVK>> Nope, it hasn't. It's like a parrot: all's very nice and all
AVK>> that, pretty skinny etc., but it wouldn't get the _work_ done.
AVK>> It's got a _lot_ of drawbacks from the POV of RFCs, even M$
AVK>> LookOut doesn't have such a lot... It "just works" (with
AVK>> luck;-)) ... (It's for those who love all those skins and nice
AVK>> GUIs, rather than for those who care about the e-mail;-)

GD> I am in fact a registered user of both Poco AND The Bat!. I, of
GD> course, prefer and use TB! I moved from Poco to TB!...

GD> - From my perspective the best thing about Poco that I miss is
GD> the scripting language. Period. There is a lot of "eye candy".
GD> the interface looks great, but I don't need it.

GD> The Bat!, in my opinion, blows Pocomail away.
GD> By the way, skins don't thrill me. It's the functionality that
GD> thrills me.

DZ> Poco is a very good mail client, I was a beta tester for the new
DZ> 2.5 release. No, it's not TB, but TB is not Poco, either. Poco
DZ> handles multiple accounts and/or users with ease, while with TB
DZ> you must either use filters or put up with multiple folder sets
DZ> in order to handle several POP accounts. Poco's filtering is
DZ> adequate, but TB's runs rings around it. Conversely, Poco's
DZ> scripting language, if you care to learn it, is more powerful
DZ> than any filter set you can create in TB.
DZ> Poco's handling of html mails isn't dependent on IE's ActiveX
DZ> components. TB's isn't either, but Poco does a much better job
DZ> of rendering html. Poco also lets you encrypt individual
DZ> messages or folders you wish to keep from prying eyes.

DZ> But, TB's advanced folder properties and templates & macros
DZ> leave Poco in the dust if you need to handle and sort a lot of
DZ> mail.

DZ> Each program has its good points and bad points...

DZ> Which program do I use? Neither, I currently use Becky v2.0. :-)

Es todo lo que hubo hasta el momento (son 3 contribuyentes).

Terminé contestando al primero que respondió (GD) con lo siguiente
lista de preguntas, pero no me ha contestado y para que lo haga, lo
tendrá que hacer fuera de TBUDL, ya que se puso agresivo alguien
(DZ) porque no le pareció la pregunta - insistió que lo fuera probar
por mi cuenta y francamente, si lo haría, lo haría a base de los
reportes de usuarios cuyas opiniones respeto, y hasta el momento los
opiniones mas equilibradas favorecen TB! Siguen mis preguntas:

I would appreciate more detail regarding the "functionality that
thrills" you (the functionality offered by TB!, obviously).

I'll start it off:

pocomail (I'm told) has no Spanish version & therefore, no Spanish
spell checking. I need both English and Spanish spell checking
which TB! has.

I'll mention a few more traits that make TB! indispensable and
include a  YES () | NO () option for whether pocomail has them.

Simultaneous downloading of multiple accounts (16, in my case)
Can Poco do this? YES () | NO ()

I was able to paste in the YES () | NO () directly below the one
above by moving straight down. In fact. TB! does columns. Can Poco
do this?          YES () | NO ()

Can Poco reformat my paragraphs with a keystroke combo when I decide
to insert or delete a remark or divide a long paragraph ? Can Poco
do this?          YES () | NO ()

How about the automatic tabulator function that adjusts to the line
above? Can Poco do this?  YES () | NO ()

(This means I can indent a whole block a given number of spaces
easily, among other things).

TB!'s Folders can have their own templates and even the language
used for replying (i.e. the date) can vary with the folder.
Can Poco do this? YES () | NO ()

At first I considered replying directly to Gerry and hit ctrl+F4 to
do that. Can Poco do this? YES () | NO ()

What else can TB! do that Poco can't? Does Poco do PGP?

Can Poco change caps to lower case & vice versa w/ a keystroke
combo? Can Poco do this? YES () | NO ()

Is the filtering as good or better? YES () | NO ()

Is there a Poco user's group as responsive and as knowledgeable as
this one? YES () | NO ()

If you need Tech Support, are you likely to get a reply from one of
Poco's principle developers? YES () | NO ()

Is Poco's message search function as good or better? YES () | NO ()

How about it's search & replace function when editing. Is it as good
or better' YES () | NO ()

Is there a virtual ticker window for any number of folders?
YES () | NO ()

Can PocoMail paste as quote? YES () | NO ()

Does it have an endless UNDO feature? YES () | NO ()

Thanks in advance for your response.


  ***********  SEPARADOR de MENSAJES  ***********

MR> Que  sería  del  desarrollo  de los programas sin la competencia entre
MR> creadores.  A  el  'The  Bat'  le  ha  surgido  un durísimo competidor
MR> superior  en  bastantes  facetas  y que a todos aquellos a los que les
MR> guste investigar y probar software nuevo recomiendo encarecidamente.

MR> Este programa de correo se llama 'PocoMail' y podeis consultarlo en

MR> Ruego al moderador que no se enfade conmigo y vea el lado positivo de
MR> que si este programa tiene cosas interesantes deberían los autores del
MR> TheBat tomar buena nota para mejorar en lo posible su producto.

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