On Sat, 4 Jul 2009 13:38:58 +0200, Andreas wrote:

>On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 23:53:26 +0200
>Enrico Tröger <enrico.troe...@uvena.de> wrote:
>> For general SVN write access, just tell me your Sourceforge username,
>> then I add you to project.
>Username is: mockey. But no need to hurry. I want to do some more
>testing (especially on Windows) before I commit something.

Ok, I will add you soon.

>> It depends what haxe_completion() actually will do. But for now, it
>> should be ok.
>haxe_completion runs the haxe compiler with some special parameters and
>then spits out some XML which I show as an autocomplete list (or a
>calltip). Works pretty good and proves to be really useful :-)
>One thing which is a bit disturbing though is that when I have
>automatic symbol completion turned on, after the set number of chars
>the symbol list sometimes appears and my list disappears. I think

This is why the editor-notify handler can stop the default handler from
being invoked. You want to return TRUE if your haxe_completion() code
does display your userlist and return FALSE if not. This should do the
Maybe I'm wrong, hard to say without seeing any code.

>Another question: It seems that you use "\n" as a separator in the
>completion lists (" " seems to be the default). Will I stay like this
>or should I better check with SCI_AUTOCGETSEPARATOR?

Er, this is completely up to you which character you use assuming you
are using your own userlist (index > 1).


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