Lex Trotman schrieb:

Yes, its a personal judgement call and no two people will totally agree :-)
Having looked at the keybindings in detail I agree that some of them
don't make sense as menu items, particularly the following areas:
Snippets & completion
Notebook Tabs
Toggle fold

but I think the following should make it into a menu (actually a
submenu, since I don't think they are commonly used enough to go in a
top level menu) and I have suggested which new submenu to put them in.

Ctrl-K          delete current line       popup-edit
Ctrl-T          transpose current line    popup-edit
Ctrl-Shift-X    cut line                  popup-edit
Ctrl-Shift-C    copy line                 popup-edit
Alt-Shift-W     select word               edit-select and popup-select
Alt-Shift-P     select para               edit-select and popup-select
Alt-Shift-L     select line               edit-select and popup-select
               insert alt whitspace      popup-edit
               indent space              popup-indent
               undent space              popup-indent
               prev indent               popup-indent
Ctrl-B          matching brace            edit-goto  popup-goto
Ctrl-M          toggle marker             edit-goto  popup-goto
Ctrl-.          next marker                  "          "
Ctrl-,          prev marker                  "          "

Thanks for posting these, I never knew any of them, although they all sound totally usefull! (I guess I'm in favor of adding them to the menus for that reason :) ).

Best regards.
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