On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:38:23 +1000
Lex Trotman <ele...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>>> Running Make on a new unsaved document (no filename) causes warnings
> >>>> and may crash on Windows using %s for a NULL string. Maybe disable
> >>>> Make menu items for new documents?
> >>>
> >>>No, disabling isn't right, the make commands are not inherently
> >> On Windows, printf() with arguments being NULL crashes. No idea why but
> >> it does, mostly.
> I think I've got them all.  But no guarantees ;-)
> Now also gives a status message when failing to run a command because
> of no working directory, ie no document filename or configured working
> directory.

Thanks. There were 2 free's of possibly uninitialized pointers in
build_replace_placeholder() but I fixed them after a crash ;-)

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