
I recently enabled the Spell Check, GeanyLua and Pretty Printer plugins
in the plugin nightly builds for the GTK 2.8 compatibility test.
They weren't built previously because of unmet dependencies (enchant,
lua and libxml2) but I just installed those and so the mentioned
plugins are not built as well. And GeanyVC is now built with GtkSpell
support enabled.
So in theory, we are able to catch even more possible errors :).

Another change was that I wrote a small tool [1] which tries to load the
plugins very similar as Geany would do (it's actually based on the
code in Geany).
Inspired by the recent discussion on the Geany mailing list where a
user had problems loading the Spell Check plugin because of unresolved
symbols in the plugin (which was due a bug in the code which was
already fixed in the meantime), I thought about discovering such issues
during the nightly builds. Since plugins are just shared libraries, we
don't get normal linker errors as we would get for Geany itself.
Instead, such errors occur first when trying to load the plugin into
Geany when the linked symbols are actually resolved (or tried to
resolve :D). So, I finally came to the clue that we could 'emulate'
loading a plugin by dlopen() it, read some of the required symbols and
just check whether it works. As said, the small tool tries to be as
similar to what Geany does as possible. It's already included in the
nightly build scripts, so we will get notices in case any plugin would
The good thing is, currently all built plugins pass the tests, yay.

Both changes won't bring a real benefit for users but helps detecting
problems in compatibility a bit earlier.

As usual, the current status information about the nightly builds can
be found on http://nightly.geany.org.
And since today, the site is also availale via geany.nightlybuilds.org,
thanks to Dominic Hopf :).



P.S.: sorry for the long and boring story but maybe someone finds it as
interesting as me :).

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