Am Sonntag, den 17.01.2010, 16:48 +0100 schrieb Enrico Tröger:
> On Sat, 16 Jan 2010 20:52:04 +0100, Frank wrote:
> >Hi 
> >
> >During my work on moving some LaTeX specific functions from Geany core
> >to geanyLaTeX plugin I recognized some code which is pretty much
> >HTML/XML specific and might would make sense to move also into a
> >plugin. On first step I was thinking about moving auto_table() out of
> >editor.c, but there are a couple of more things like the automatic
> >closing of XML tags which might would make sense to move into a
> >separate plugin. 
> >
> >Lets give you a short list of advantages/disadvantages I can imagine
> >off doing such a step: 
> >
> >Advantages:
> >+ Geany's core is keeping small and as we don't need to care about too
> >much filetype specific stuff
> >+ Save some CPU cycles on every change on editor widget for users which
> >don't use XML/HTML as the check for this types will not be needed
> >anymore
> >+ More flexibility in upgrading the fileype specific functions when
> >realized as a plugin 
> >* Possible more configuration possibilities for user without bloating
> >Geany's preferences dialogues itself for non-XML/HTML users 
> >
> >Disadvantages
> >- With a new plugin the user needs to know about and needs to activate
> >it
> >- User might think Geany is not support HTML properly as he wasn't
> >aware of n-1 
> >- Additional overhead on 
> >     * coding
> >     * running the plugin through plugin API
> >
> >Please let me know what you think about. 
> I'm not sure whether we should do this.
> Basically you are completely right about moving filetype specific code
> from the core into a plugin. But we also have little specifics for
> other filetypes, e.g. auto indenting in Python after typing a colon.
> These little things don't match the requirement to be moved into a
> plugin, IMO. Though in case of the HTML/XML features, there is a lot
> more stuff which we do so we are talking about a good bunch of code not
> only a few lines.
> Still I think it could become a bit cumbersome for users to enable a
> specific plugin to have the functionality they were used to have in
> Geany for ages. 
> And then there is the fact the code in question in used for HTML *and*
> XML which are two separate filetypes. How should a user expect that he
> have to enable a HTML plugin to get tag auto closing in XML files?
> After all, I rather think we should keep it in the core even though
> it's mainly for the better user experience.
Exactly my point of view. I fully agree to Enrico here.

Dominic Hopf <>

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