On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 03:45:15 +0100, Dominic wrote:

>Am Donnerstag, den 11.02.2010, 22:58 +0300 schrieb Eugene Arshinov:
>> Hi all.
>> I usually limit line length by 80 in my own projects, but in Geany
>> 100 symbols is recommended. If the long line marker position
>> preference was project-specific, I would not need to change it in
>> the Preferences dialog every time I switch between Geany sources and
>> one of my projects.
>> If making this preference project-specific makes sense for you, I can
>> spend some time to implement it. Otherwise, I will just ignore the
>> issue (I don't consider it important).
>> Best regards,
>> Eugene.
>Hi Eugene,
>I really think this feature would make sense for me too, so I'd
>appreciate this too, but I also don't consider it as that important,
>it's more a nice-to-have than a must-have for me. :)

Full ACK.
Eugene, if you still have time to besides your great work on the SM
branch, we won't disturb you and are keen to see any patches :).


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