On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 14:12:48 +0300, Eugene wrote:

>Hi all. Here is the last question.
>Currently if the first filename passed via command-line has ".geany"
>extension, it's opened as a project. If I implement project support
>in SM using this behaviour, there will be a little trouble.
>The trouble.
>Suppose a user has neither default session not a project opened
>(example: "geany -s"), and he opens a project file to edit it manually.
>Then if he logs out without closing Geany, my SM code has to store
>opened files in restart command like "geany -s edited_proj.geany". You
>see what happens after that when Geany is restarted.
>A solution.
>Provide a separate command-line option to open a project (e.g.,
>"--project" or "-r" as "-p" is reserved for "--no-plugins"). This
>behaviour is more convenient and it eliminates the problem completely.
>Absence of compatibility (1).
>BUT current behaviour is rather old and users may be familiar with it.
>Maybe(?) it is acceptable to drop that behaviour completely and tell
>all users about it (is there a way to do it? I believe that most of

No, not really.
As Dominic said, we have the mailing lists, IRC and as a last resort
the release notes. But there is no way to really tell all users about
any changes. I'm afraid almost nobody really reads the release notes at
all. But still, this shouldn't prevent us from going further...

>If (1) is acceptable, I'd prefer to implement (1). Otherwise, I'd like
>to implement (3).
>Is (1) acceptable? Any other opinions?

I prefer solution 1 as well. Yes, compatibility would be nicer but in
this case it might be not that important and so not worth.


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