On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 01:32:21 -0500, Oliver wrote:

>  Hopefully someone will correct me if wrong.  To work with autotools 
>under windows, you need MSYS.  I have never had any luck building 
>anything with MSYS, even after googling and reading the instructions.  
>It seems the default plugins that ship with Geany are built when
>running ming32-make -f makefile.w32.

Nope, all the binaries built by me (those from download.geany.org) are
built using Waf.

>On 8/20/2010 9:54 AM, Johann SAUNIER wrote:
>> Ok, it's working with waf. I had to deal with files copying from 
>> geany's build to some direcories in my PATH and other stuff but it 
>> works great.

You can use 'python waf install', this will install the Geany files in
the correct directory structure into 'geany-0.19.1' within the top
source directory. Same for geany-plugins.


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