Hey guys,

out of fun, I just run 'cppcheck', a tool for static C code analysis,
on the Geany code as well as on the components of the Geany-Plugins

For Geany, it didn't find any errors: yay!

For the Geany-Plugins, the found errors are attached to this mail.

There is nothing critical, mostly memory leaks in codenav, geanygdb,
geanylatex and pretty-printer which should be easy to fix.

I did not checked whether the reported errors are really errors or if
there is maybe a false positive. I leave this to the plugin


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[./codenav/src/switch_head_impl.c:144]: (error) Memory leak: lang
[./geanygdb/src/gdb-ui-main.c:594]: (error) Memory leak: ldd
[./geanygdb/src/gdb-ui-main.c:581]: (error) Mismatching allocation and 
deallocation: fh
[./geanylatex/src/templates.c:47]: (error) Memory leak: template
[./pretty-printer/src/PrettyPrinter.c:110]: (error) Common realloc mistake: 
"xmlPrettyPrinted" nulled but not freed upon failure
[./pretty-printer/src/PrettyPrinter.c:183]: (error) Common realloc mistake: 
"xmlPrettyPrinted" nulled but not freed upon failure

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