On Fri, 25 Feb 2011 10:46:14 +1100, Lex wrote:

>On 25 February 2011 00:17, Mike Thorn <mth...@iqguys.com> wrote:
>> Hello all:
>> I'm working on a database query plugin written in Vala and have a
>> couple of questions regarding the general process of working with
>> the geany community.
>> First, when is the right time to request that my plugin be added to
>> the geany-plugins repo? My general principle as a developer has
>> always been to start using VC from the start, but maybe you don't
>> want half finished plugins in your repo.
>If you are worried about that, I'd suggest that you use one of the
>free GIT repos in the meantime until your plugin is ready for its
>grand unveiling.

Either this way or simply let it grow in the geany-plugins SVN

If you want to put the code into the SVN repo, just tell me your
Sourceforge username and I grant you commit access.
Then we can setup the build environments (autotools+Waf) to build your
plugin and other interested users can easily test it early and easily.

Still, your choice of course.


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