On 09/16/2011 07:23 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:
I would've thought it'd be easy to change the two user-facing labels, like 5
minutes easy.  Seems to me now would be the ideal time to change those two
labels.  Or, is it possible to do English translations after the string

The problem is that the decision is needed today (your time, its
Saturday for me already :).  String freeze means that all English
strings in the software are frozen whilst translations are made.  This
is so that the translations match the originals.  So no changes
allowed between then and release.

Right, so if someone takes 5 minutes to rename Various to <Other Thing> today then it will save it from having to be re-translated later, after the release. It would also be less confusing to the end user to not change the name of this tab/group between this release and the next. If there ever was a time to rename this, now seems ideal. I don't think end users will care so much if Geany's source code says various and the UI says "Advanced" or something, but they will probably notice the labels, especially next release when they're called something else.

But, like I said, it's not a huge deal, just a little bit of polish.

Matthew Brush
Geany-devel mailing list

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