On 11/30/2011 06:33 PM, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
Lex Trotman wrote:

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Ross McKay<ro...@zeta.org.au>  wrote:
G'day Lex,

The current defaults are C or C++ specific so in
https://github.com/elextr/geany_stuff/raw/master/snippets.conf I moved
them there and to Java, but I understand that other languages may want
them as well so I decided to post here before committing. [...]

The current defaults also apply to PHP, JavaScript (and thus also
Actionscript I'd guess), C#, Vala... basically if its syntax is based on
C then those snippets should apply.

G'day Ross, added.

Lex, has this hit the repo yet? I've just updated to the git head
version and I'm still having trouble with do<tab>  in Haskell.

I don't use any Haskell so I'm not really sure, but I did notice a comment/section in snippets.conf (default):

# prevent completion of "do"-while-loops in Haskell

I guess that's overriding the `do` snippet for Haskell so that it doesn't insert anything?

Matthew Brush
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