Am 13.12.2011 09:51, schrieb Nathan Broadbent:
>     See question from subject line. How can I merge a pull request without
>     adding a new commit stating the merge? Is there some kind of ff or
>     cherry-pick available through front end?

> You can't do a cherry pick or rebase through the front-end. I think
> adding this 'merge pull request' commit is a good idea, since it shows
> more information about where the commit came from.

OK. So I assume its best practice also on github to do so?

> But if you want, you can use 'git rebase' to avoid the merge commit. In
> the case of my 'gitignore' branch, you could have run the following
> commands:
>     git remote add
> ndbroadbent git://
> <>
>     git fetch ndbroadbent
>     git rebase ndbroadbent/gitignore
>     git remote rm ndbroadbent

Yepp. This I was aware of. Just wondeirng, wehther it can be done via


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