On 01/03/2012 03:36 AM, Harold Aling wrote:
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 12:10, Lex Trotman<ele...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:00 PM, Harold Aling<ge...@sait.nl>  wrote:
Best whishes for all!!!

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 13:39, Harold Aling<ge...@sait.nl>  wrote:
On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 22:13, Jiří Techet<tec...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hi Harold,

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 16:35, Harold Aling<ge...@sait.nl>  wrote:
Dear Geany Devs,

I recently switched from GeanyPRJ to Gproject. Since Gproject doesn't
support multiple open projects I have to switch between projects, but
it takes up to 4 minutes to close one project and open another. A
project consists of roughly 1000-2000 php-related files.

How much of this time is spent by opening the project and how much by

Opening Geany takes 4 minutes with 2 Drupal projects active. :(

To start 2012 I decided to update my Geany and Geany-plugins installs
to the latest dev, which caused my colorscheme[1] to display
distorted. (white background except for the active line)

Hi Harold,

The latest development version of Geany has some changes in the way
colour schemes work which means that some older themes may no longer
work as they had.  Unfortunately sometimes backward incompatible
changes have to be made to continue moving forward.

I understand the reason, but what I don't understand is how to "port"
my old theme settings to the new system.

I already ported all of the existing old-style color schemes to work with the new filedefs, see the geany-themes[1] project on Github to get them. Some might need a little tweaking, but should for the most part be quite similar to the original ones.

If you have other customizations in your old filedefs, you can copy them from the old file manually (there's not that many). What's more you'll benefit from the new features/fixes/keyword updates/etc introduced since you grabbed a version frozen in 2010.

This is actually one of the huge advantages of using color schemes; you don't have to replace all your filedefs to change styles any more (nor do you any longer need to change *every* filedef file to change themes or a color even). For the most part, you shouldn't even need to touch the filedefs with regards to color schemes, only the color scheme .conf files.

Copying filetypes.php to ~/.config/geany/filedefs and editing
[styling] does not work and I can't seem to find any documentation on
how to fix this. 'geany-dark-scheme' seems to be abandoned as the last
release was in March 2010...

It is explained in the manual, though I'm sure it could be improved. If you open a colorscheme, open a filedef/filetypes.* file, and open the manual, you should be able to figure it out fairly quickly, it's just INI files after all.

Any pointers on how I can re-enable my scheme for .php files?

See above.

Restarting Geany takes more than 8 minutes so troubleshooting with my
current configuration is quite the pain in the behind.

You can use the -c option to create a new configuration directory and
debug your colour schemes there.  That way you can have no files and
no tags during fixing but not lose your setup.

I already disabled project support, so I can restart Geany without
having to fetch coffee for all my collegues ;)

I'm a big advocate on using Geany as editor here at work, but even
Eclipse is faster and less resource-happy with tag generation. 4
minutes to open or close an application is not really acceptable for
many users, including myself.

That's not really Geany causing it to take that long, to be fair.

I'm going to give up on Gproject and either try GeanyPRJ again or
ditch project support altogether. This simply doesn't work.

The standard Geany project support doesn't provide some of the nice
features of these plugins, but it also doesn't tag parse your whole
directory tree each startup, so performance should be ok.

Tag generation is the only reason I (have to) use a project plugin.

Matthew Brush

[1] https://github.com/codebrainz/geany-themes
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