On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Ross McKay <ro...@zeta.org.au> wrote:
> G'day,
> I've hacked up some syntax highlighting support for SCSS[1] in a fork on
> github[2] and Neil at the Scintilla project has accepted it[3]
> So, how do I get this into Geany now? Obviously the Scintilla repo is
> ahead of the Geany version, however what I have in my Geany fork is
> compatible with Scintilla's current head (the lexer is identical and the
> .iface uses the same constants numbering).
> Should I submit a pull request, or is there another preferred way?
> cheers,
> Ross

Hi Ross,

Geany prefers to use an unmodified Scintilla from that project.
Upgrading Scintilla is not a minor task involving as it does checking
and verification that all Geany settings in all filetypes map
correctly to all Scintilla styles and that all changes have been
handled correctly. Therefore Geany does not update Scintilla very
often, rather when there are significant fixes in Scintilla and/or
significant new features.

The decision to support new languages is also difficult due to the
increase each language brings to the ongoing workload each upgrade.

Although this suggestion has not been run past the Geany developers, I
suggest that you would increase the chances of a new language being
added if you offered to be the language maintainer and support person.
 That is you offer to create and maintain the mapping code and data
for the language each time Scintilla is upgraded, and of course offers
of help with other languages can't hurt, the Geany devs can't be
experts in all languages.


> [1] http://sass-lang.com/
> [2] https://github.com/webaware/geany/tree/css-scss
> [3] http://preview.tinyurl.com/6sdp8em
> --
> Ross McKay, Toronto, NSW Australia
> "Faced with a choice between the survival of the planet
>  and a new set of matching tableware, most people would
>  choose the tableware" - George Monbiot
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