On 12-03-20 06:09 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On 20/03/2012 04:46, Lex Trotman wrote:
+ Filetypes
+ * Move all named styles into color schemes and keep only mappings in
+ filetypes files. Filetypes should no longer contain styling
+ except `filetypes.common` which contains the default color scheme.
+ compatibility with old filetypes files.
I think the filetypes.* files compatibility was not broken. Rather that
overriding filetypes style defaults will break color schemes.
It's true that it's not broken, it's just that a number of users will
open their freshly installed Geany version and notice that they have no
Scintilla styling at all, that the default color schemes don't work,
and/or their own/geany-themes color schemes don't work, or some
combination of those.
I actually was meaning to bring this up, and I think it was discussed in
passing on IRC since I've made a branch on geany-themes to implement it.
What if the color schemes and filetypes.* files had a version key in
them that Geany could check and warn about such potential problems?
I was thinking the key could be something to the effect of
`geany_version=1.22` in the `[theme_info]` and (a new) `[ft_info]`
groups, which would be the recommended minimum version of Geany that
will work properly with the file. If the key is missing (ie. existing
files) or the Geany version is too low, it would prompt a simple message
dialog explaining the problem, with the option to not show it again.
Does this sound workable at all?
Also, shouldn't the important/breaking things be in the same group at
the top? Otherwise when we add the other changes they won't stand out.
It's fine with me, I was just following the existing format of the file
and didn't fully understand what was meant about them being at the top
of the file.
Matthew Brush
Geany-devel mailing list