On Sun, 20 May 2012 12:30:12 +0200
Davide Andreoli <d...@gurumeditation.it> wrote:

> Hi all!


> I implemented this in editor.c (and not as an external plugin) because I
> have plans to also extend the snippets to support multi editing.
> Actually the patch is really simple but is just a first test, it is not
> ready as there are 3 open issue:
> 1. do you like the feature? :)

Yes, but would prefer it as a plugin. Extending it to snippets, well...
doesn't seem useful to me.

> 2. atm the multimode end when you press up/down/left/right....i don't like
> it too much, some other idea?

Prefferably on the same events that cancel the rectangle multi line
character insertion.

> 3. is there a way to really show multiple carets?

No easy way AFAIK.

If you position the cursor on the first of several lines with leading
tabs, switch to overwrite and mark the tabs as rectangle, there will be
several cursors, each with tab width. So scintilla is actually pretty
capable - if you want to get your hands dirty, open it's sources and
see how it's done.

> note: this is my first geany patch... plese be kind :P


E-gards: Jimmy
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