On 12-07-13 05:13 PM, Sean Felipe Wolfe wrote:
Thanks for the info Matthew ... good to know.

Are the necessary changes something that a relatively new c programmer
could get a hold on and contribute to? I am going to be learning

Specifically for the copy/paste bug, it's probably something simple but maybe buried somewhere deep inside Geany or GTK+ even.

For OSX usability in general, a big part of it is making a real "application bundle" including a Geany binary that works in this environment and its dependencies (ie. GTK+ and a few other things) bundled in. Most of this doesn't require programming much, if at all.

objective-c in the forseeable future so I'm inclined to try and grok
more about C and Geany would be a fun project to do that on... if it's
possible to help Geany be better on osx that would be totally cool.
Maybe I will try and set up the dev environment up on my osx machine
and see how I do.

Getting setup to build with jhbuild and stuff is a pure PITA, but also doesn't require much programming, just patience. There's some info out there for help, search for "Building GTK+ on OSX" and "gtk-osx-application" and stuff like this. You could also get pretty far without jhbuild and using just the stuff from macports.

Let me know if you start hacking on this and I can round up what I have so far and make it available online.

P.S. You could also ping these guys and see if they can make their build scripts/tools/process available:

Matthew Brush
Geany mailing list

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