On 12-07-16 01:04 PM, Sean Felipe Wolfe wrote:
On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Matthew Brush <mbr...@codebrainz.ca> wrote:

Getting setup to build with jhbuild and stuff is a pure PITA, but also
doesn't require much programming, just patience. There's some info out there
for help, search for "Building GTK+ on OSX" and "gtk-osx-application" and
stuff like this. You could also get pretty far without jhbuild and using
just the stuff from macports.

Let me know if you start hacking on this and I can round up what I have so
far and make it available online.

P.S. You could also ping these guys and see if they can make their build
scripts/tools/process available:

Matthew Brush

Getting setup now ...  not too awful so far. Building GTK and it seems
to be proceeding ok.

Looking at the open-enterprise page, have these guys already done the
osx geany binary? Although I have to download a GTK environment at
~85MB ... not very Geany-like. So would our project then be to chop
that back down to a nice tidy size?

I'm not sure exactly what they've done to build it but judging by the screenshot they've made a real bundle using a GTK+ built with the X11 backend.

It's pretty much like the Windows build that has GTK+ bundled with it. You need include a whole pile of GTK+ binaries along with the Geany ones. The bundle I was working on is around 25MB uncompressed. Whether it *actually* has all the needed stuff needed to run on someone else's computer who hasn't got all kinds of GTK+ libs sitting in various prefixes is yet to be determined.

Matthew Brush

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