The quality of the screen presentation iis strongly improved with the 
anti-aliasing-technology. Edges are smoothed and the layout is looking much 
more realistic, even in small zoom modes.

*Automatic Ground Plane*
This function fills unused areas of a layout with copper automatically. 
This accelerates the corroding process and saves corroding material. You 
may also use this function to create a screen for HF-boards. You can also 
define thermal-pads on the automatic ground-plane.

*Test function*
This function is very helpful to check your layout. You can click on any 
position of your layout, and Sprint-Layout will find all connected 
layout-elements, and light them up. This makes it very easy to check the 
signal flow of the layout.

*Connections (Rubberbands)*
With the help of the connections, you can simplify the routing process. 
Straight rubberband lines are used to indicate connections that have not 
yet been routed. This may help you not to forget any tracks. The rubberband 
lines are also helpful to find a suitable position for components. You may 
use them to avoid crossing tracks when placing the components on the board.

*The Autorouter*
There is simple point-to-point autorouter integrated in Sprint-Layout. This 
autorouter is able to connect two points of your layout. These two points 
are defined with a connection (rubberband). The autorouter was not 
designed, to generate whole boards at once. This is usually not possible. 
To create a proper layout, you have to design it mostly by yourself. The 
autorouter in Sprint-Layout is designed as an easy to use autorouter. You 
don't have to make obscure specifications and options. The autorouter is as 
simple as the whole software.

*High resolution and accuracy*
The resolution and the accuracy of Sprint-Layout was increased 
substantially. This concerns also the grid settings and the maximum zoom 
factor. It is now possible to define a grid-value up to 1m. So it is no 
problem to design even very fine layout structures. Also the selection of a 
special grid-value with the grid-menu is very easy. Just select the desired 
value from the popup-menu, which is filled with all default grid-values, 
either in inch or metric values. Of course you can easily extend this 
grid-menu with your own-defined grid-values. You can change the current 
grid also with the numeric keys 1-9 on your keyboard. Thes keys are working 
as hotkeys with predefined grid-values.

*Several boards*
A Sprint-Layout file can contains several boards. So you can add all boards 
of a project to one file. With a single click you get access to any board 
of your project.

*The Footprint-Wizard*
The footprint-wizard helps you to create special footprints for components. 
You can specify the footprint-type and the parameters and the wizard 
creates your footprint automatically. Every footprint-type has different 
parameters. These parameters are displayed and explained in a little 
picture in the footprint-wizard. All changes that you made will be 
displayed in the preview immediately. If you have set all parameters, the 
footprint-wizard creates the footprint and you can place it on your layout.

The properties-panel offers the possibility to edit all important 
properties of your layout-elements without calling special dialogs. Besides 
you can edit here special properties like positions, etc. The 
properties-panel responds on the current selection on your layout. Just 
select the desired element and edit its properties directly in this panel. 
All changes that you make in this panel will be displayed on your layout 
immediately, so you can always see the result of your changes. With the 
help of the multi-selection possibilty, you can even change properties of 
as many elements as you like at one go.

*The Selector*
The Selector is a mighty tool. You can use it to search and select special 
elements on your layout. So it is possible to search and select all pads 
with a special shape or size. If the desired elements are selected, they 
can be changed in common with the properties-panel. The Selector can also 
help to analyze your layout. So you can list e.g. all tracks sorted by 
their widths. Such lists can help you to find unwanted elements.

*Design-Rule-Check (DRC)*
Because of little inaccuracies while a PCB will be produced, there are some 
tolerances and limitations to keep, to get a usable Board. These values are 
named "Design Rules". Sprint-Layout is able to check some important design 
rules, e.g. the minimum clearance distance between 2 copper tracks, etc. 
After a DRC is finished, all detected problems are listed in clear text and 
the problem-areas will be marked with a white hatch. Now you can examine 
the problems one after the other and correct them.

*Scanned copies*
You can load a bitmap in the background of your layout. This bitmap can be 
a scanned-copy from an existing layout. You can use this bitmap as an 
original to trace the layout. The bitmap must be available as a bitmap file 
(BMP or JPG). The resolution should be between 300-600 dpi. A pure B/W 
color depth is recommended, but not absolutely necessary.

Various options are available to print your layouts, solder masks, 
component-mounting-plans, silk-screens or drilling-plans on paper sheets or 
transparent film. The printout position is adjustable and the tile-option 
allows you to repeat the printout of small designs in x- and y-direction, 
to save film and material. The printout can be scaled. All changes you make 
will be displayed in the preview immediately.

*Higher resolution and accuracy*
The resolution and the accuracy of Sprint-Layout is increased tenfold. This 
concerns also the grid settings and the maximum zoom factor. So there is no 
problem to design very fine layout structures.

The new selector is a powerful tool. With this tool you can find and select 
specific elements of your layout, and edit them simultaneously with the 
help of the new multiselect-function. For example, you can select and edit 
all pads with a specific shape or drilling.

*Automatic capture mode*
This new capture mode makes it easier to place pads or tracks. Whenever the 
mouse gets close to a capture-point, the mouse will be captured to this 
point, and helps you to connect exactly. This is particularly very helpful, 
if some connections are lying out of the grid.

*New Crosshair*
The new crosshair is now consistently involved in every action. It can 
display additional 45 lines and the numeric values of the coordinates 
directly on the crosshair.

*Circular arrangement*
The exact circular arrangement is a tricky and invidious job. Sprint-Layout 
has now a special assistant for that. You will only have to define the 
necessary parameters, and you can see the results of your parameters in a 
preview before you complete the action.

*Isolation milling*
The isolation milling was completely revised. All individual jobs like 
isolation milling, drilling or cut-out will now be written in one plotfile. 
So typical problems with the origin in various files will be prevent.

If you create your *circuit board layout* with the *Sprint Layout* program 
from ABACOM, please observe the following tips. Basically, it makes sense 
to use all the *prescribed standard-layers of sprint Layout*.

We are happy to take care of* generating the production data* (Extended 
Gerber) for you. You just have to send us your* *.lay file* along with your 
order. All further steps are taken care of *by our CAM engineers*.

So I am making a new map and I add the basic sprint layout as shown in the 
image below and now whenever I start I always start out going the sprint 
speed. Once I am moving and I press shift which is supposed to make me 
spring nothing happens, but when I let go then I go to walk speed. If that 
did not make sense this is a summary: Sprint layout makes me sprint at 
start instead of walking and sprint button makes me walk normally.

The issue seems to be that the layout is working when i preview it as I run 
the game, but it is not registered until I hit the sprint button the first 
time. So until I hit shift I am sprinting and after that it works.

Hi. Our active sprint board looks a little wonky, with the stories 
occupying horizontal rows across the swimlanes (instead of being 
represented as cards.) Does anyone know what configuration is required to 
get back to the basic view where stories are shown as cards and subtasks 
indent beneath each story?

You can click on board button at the top right of your screen and then 
click on config and then at the left side click on swimlanes. Here you can 
change your view by choosing on of the option in dropdown. (in this picture 
it is based on stories)

With Sprint-Layout, you can design your PCBs quickly and easily. The 
software comes with everything; a software design tool should need and 
have; there are zero restrictions to the software on designing your circuit 

Even professional features like the export of Gerber-files (which are 
supported by almost every PCB manufacturer. If you own a CNC milling 
machine) or isolation-milling that have HPGL created for them are included.

Two layers exist (Copper and silkscreen) for each side of the board. You 
have the option to use an outline layer for the board contour or two 
additional inner layers for multilayer boards. Extra features are solder 
masks, SMD masks, automatic ground planes, signal flow tests.

Many options are selectable when printing the design, the component 
mounting plan, or the solder mask on paper or film. The software also has 
an extensive and comfortable printing option that allows you to print your 
layouts or component mounting plans on paper or foil.

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