Hi Danny,

This sounds somewhat similar to a program in Peru that deals with dendrobatid frogs. Jan Post (senior ecologist at the World Bank) helped secure funding and won an award for this innovative project. Basically the program (headed by Rainer Schulte) trains locals to introduce artificial frog breeding sites (access to which seems to be one of the limiting factors in the population) and then help raise the emerging froglets. These (and only these) froglets are then marketed to the dendrobatid hobbyists in Japan, Europe and North America. The farmers were cutting down the trees for money previous to this program. Now it is in there best interest to keep the forest intact, since they derive a much higher income from frog farming.

Is this how the M.A.T.E. program functions?

How can a gecko hobbyist help?

What is the museum name and where is your museum located?

Yuri H
Silver Spring, MD

Danny Mendez wrote:

I'm currently involved with a gentleman by the name of Olivier Behra who
heads up an organization called M.A.T.E. (Man and the environment)in
Madgascar which seeks to create mutually beneficial and sustainable
harvesting from the forests of Madagascar in order to preserve them in thier
natural, undisturbed state.  The basically believe that if they can convince
the locals to not destroy the forest but instead sustainably harvest it more
land accross th country can be preserved instead of suffering massive

I'm currently working with Mr Behra via my museum to bring attention to
certain Malagasy species, namely Uroplatus & Mantella sp. and how
sustainable harvesting can ultimately ease the pressure of human
encroachment into the Madagascar forests.  Right now MATE is hosting a
series of scientists from all over the world in order to census the fauna of
certain newly acquired preserves in order to better understand how to
protect the species living in the forests.  The organization has purchased
several thousand square miles of forest land and hopes to preserve all
species contained within.

Neil, if you'd like you can email me offlist and I can give you more info on
the organization and what they are currently working on.  In coopertation
with my museum we are planning on launching a large Madagascar exhbit in the
next couple of years focusing on habitat preservation using Uroplatus and
Mantella as "spokesherps".

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Neil A. Meister
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:22 AM
Subject: [gecko]Madagascar conservation charities?

Hi All,

Does anyone know of any conservation charities working directly
in Madagascar? I'm looking for something to donate to that will
have a direct benefit to the wildlife and people there as way of
saying "thanks" for all of the wonderful gex I get to work with.

Neil Meister

Promotions Secretary
Global Gecko Association

Nova Scotia Herpetoculture Society
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