
I think everyone by some means has, leopard geckos being a perfect example of one of the most easily 'tamed' geckos.

Rio being my eldest female leo (about 7 or 8 years now...I can't remember), comes out of hiding when I'm in the room (not often when others are), and if I put my hand in the cage she'll go to it. I never hand fed her during the entire time I've had her. So it's not for food...she'll climb up my sleeve and sit on my shoulder when I'm cleaning her cage as well. So I am not seeking HER out, but she's coming to see me. (She is kept in a 35 gallon tank, so it's not like she has nowhere else to go when I'm in there). I have a male (Griffin) who acts pretty much the same way, he likes to watch whatever you are doing in the room, and comes up to you when you go in his cage.

But then, leopard geckos, like fat tails, are often more easily tamed then other geckos. I find them very curious to their surroundings as well, which is why I think them brighter then some other species.

Rogue being another leopard, doesn't like strangers, but she tolerates me. She's only an example of curiosity...she's the one who likes the conure. If he comes in the reptile room (He's generally not allowed, but you try stopping that little mischief maker), Rogue will come out of her hiding spot and go straight to the glass. She will be found looking towards him intently till he comes over and they just stare at each other...it's fascinating to see their interest in one another.

I haven't gone to the extent of taming one loose in a room. For one, I've no doors that would keep them in that room well enough, for two, I don't think everyone in this home would appreciate it, three...loose crickets? No thanks. Though I've had escapes ;) but then I have had to find them quickly after.

I've always wanted to try it with a monitor mind you...but then I couldn't trust that in a house with birds.

Your leachie sounds pretty neat, I've always found them interesting. It's a shame my friend sold his, I quite liked going over and seeing them.


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