OK, I tried sending this last night and I haven't seen it posted yet, so I'm trying again; apologies if it gets posted twice.

Recently I had two grandis hatchlings (~1.5-2mos old, I think) die within 2 days of each other. (They were "roommates".) They had previously been seemed very healthy, ate very well (like most geckos--everything in sight!) and were quite active. Then they just quit eating (I couldn't swear that they never ate any baby food, but I don't think they did), though initially remained fairly active. I found one on the bottom on his side, like he'd fallen off the silk plant, so I picked him up to see if I could get him to eat or drink something. In my hand he was trembling like my female pictus did when she almost died of hypocalcemia, and his tail was waving around they way they do when they've dropped it. He wouldn't drink anything, and died that evening. I didn't notice the trembling with the other--it did seem stuck on the floor for a bit, but them climbed up into a piece of bamboo and died there.

Now, another hatchling, different tank, has gone off his feed. He still seems fairly active, but is loosing weight, and hasn't eaten in several days, perhaps a week. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Nothing has changed in their environment that I can think of. They are in my bathroom, which is heated separately, and stay between 85 & 90 (I try to keep it below 90, but it does fluctuate between those two throughout the day) and about 68-72 at night. They have been primarily eating mealworms, since that is what I have a reliable supply of, with babyfood offered periodically (with calcium & sometimes beepollen mixed in) and occasionally other small insects (including but not limited to crickets).


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