Well guys, the saga is finally over! Sold the house yesterday.:) I guess three weeks on the market is not terrible and I should not complain too much! The price was good, although we have to wonder what we could have gotten without the geckos. I will never forget the reaction of some of the older women that were house shopping. Two of them were out of the house in about two minutes! One younger gal sent her agent and husband on a reconnaissance mission before entering herself! One lady visited three times and did not make an offer because of the geckos. I was amazed that folks did not have the vision to see the one room without geckos in it, and without any lingering odors. To me the odor is not much, but then I work at home and am used to it.

We had a second offer 60k below the asking price with the man claiming he "did not know if he could get rid of the odor." Replacing the entire interior of the house would not come anywhere near 60k. We decided this man was an opportunist and enthusiastically rejected his offer!

I guess what I have learned from this is that in spite of the rising popularity of our gex in recent decades, there are still a good number of folks out there who are really phobic of them. It just so happened that the folks in the market for a house in my price range, which is considered expensive in this area relative to other towns, were largely comprised of that segment.

So - guidelines for selling a house with any size collection of geckos:

*If you can possibly move the geckos elsewhere, do it!
*HIDE THE BUGS! Unless you really don't want to sell - just make sure the roaches are prominently displayed! LOL!
*Keep the cages extra clean to cut down on smell and use a nice smelling spray.
*Get used to vaccuming up crickets all the time!
*Feed geckos at night so you can do the above in the morning.

_______________________________________________ Global Gecko Association http://www.gekkota.com Classifieds http://www.gekkota.com/cgi-gekkota/classifieds.cgi gecko mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gekkota.com/mailman/listinfo/gecko

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