So the list has come to life ;-)

I look forward to the book being published.

Our little girl just laid another egg! ;-) The previous egg with the mold.... does not look quite dead so I have left in the incubator.

Here is the girl in question this evening post egg lay and slough:

Still hopping to hear from those who have had similar experiences.

regards __daavid

Daavid wrote:

Dear Michael,

No sign of pain. She sloughed last night. She is also most entertaining when hunting her prey.

Each meal is dusted with calcium (66%) and herp-t-vite (33%) though obviously some of it gets brushed off before the prey gets eaten. In any case the male eats exactly the same. She has only laid the two eggs so I doubt her calcium requirements would differ too much from the males.

They both get good UV also.

regards __daavid

Lockhart, Michael wrote:

I am not sure but if the animal were in pain, They would let you know. I
have a bearded dragon that has a hump in its back like that, I think
he's a little retarded though, His bottom lip sticks out further than
his top lip and his tounge hangs out of his mouth a lot. He also is
really slow, But he was the runt of his litter so I think that explains
why mines all sqrewy, Have you tried maybee increaseing calcium? Or
maybee its getting too much and getting growths from the
calcium.......Very perplexing.
-----Original Message-----

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 17:32:11 +1100
From: Daavid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [gecko]Can geckos suffer from degenerative osteoporosis

Dear Geckophiles,

I have a bit of a sad tale to tell of one of our Strophurus ciliaris.

When we got her she had a slight kink at the junction of her tail to her

spine. Over the last year we have watched this kink turn into multiple kinks and over the last few weeks she has now developed a bump over her front shoulders.

Her mate, who shares the same cage, food etc. etc. looks great in comparison.

This picture looks a bit deceptive because of the way she is sitting but

from any angle it looks pretty much the same:

Apart from the deformity she seems fine. She is eating well, very active, mating and has laid two eggs about 4 weeks apart. The first egg

I did not find for a few days and it had dried out. The second died about 2 weeks into incubation. She is probably due to lay again in about a weeks time.

If she was in obvious discomfort I would take her to the vet but from the nature of the problem I suspect that very little could be done.

Has anybody observed conditions like this?

Does anybody have any words of wisdom to share?

thanks in anticipation __daavid

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