Wow, Thrasymachus has it made! I'd certainly be happy if I were a leo in
his environment. :-) Interesting name, too.

Thanks for all the ideas!


On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 21:28:46 -0400, "Christopher Curry"
> Diane,
> I'm no expert, but from my experience and what I've read, most
> cold-blooded
> creatures will eat less when their habitat is kept at a lower than ideal
> temperature.
> For my one adult male (3 yrs old) Leopard Gecko (Thrasymachus), I use
> repti-carpet (which I hand wash at least once a month -- I have two so I
> can
> give him a fresh carpet when the other one is drying), a one hundred watt
> heat emitter, and a humidity shelter (with moistened sphagnum moss [great
> stuff because its naturally anti-bacterial) directly under the heat
> emitter
> (it's a hand-built shelter that has a wooden platform for a lid, with
> stones
> to absorb some of the heat attached to the wood).  His defecatoria is on
> the
> cool side of the 30 gallon tank (I use calcium sand [zoo med is the only
> brand I like] in this area to keep the carpet clean).
> The warm side of the tank ranges between 85 in the evening (when the
> emitter
> is turned off by a household timer), to ~95-100 in the daytime.
> The cool side ranges from 65 in the evening to 75 in the daytime (I have
> a
> thermometer on both sides).
> Thrasymachus eats ~15 4wk old crickets, once a week.  He is really slow
> moving, so I use one of those "ant-hill" contraptions they sell at pet
> stores that makes the crickets emerge one-by-one, single file, and not
> until
> they find the hole in the dark.  He sometimes climbs up on the hill and
> pounces on them as they come out--very cute.  Sometimes I'll give him a
> treat of wax worms or butter worms (they're fatty and delicious and stay
> alive [dormant] for weeks in the fridge).  He gobbles these up hastily
> and
> seems to relish them.
> It's also very important to take care of your food and feed your food
> well.
> Gutloading!
> My crickets, I feed on Dr. Gecko's Ultimate Feeder Insect Diet
> (home-made).
> You can find the recipe here: 
> Very
> cheap to make and it lasts forever, vacuum sealed and frozen.  This is a
> dry
> diet.
> I use the fluker's cricket globules (whatever they're called) for water
> in
> my cricket tank.  Sometimes I'll give them a leaf of Kale or Collard
> greens
> (which are both great because they dry up rather than rot when left out).
>  I
> feed these to my bearded dragon, Smaug, who waits until they dry out and
> eats them like chips.
> I line the floor of my cricket tank (about 150 crickets in a 10 gallon
> tank)
> with moistened sphagnum moss mixed with a small amount of play sand to
> avoid
> the environment getting too wet.  The food and water globules are both
> placed on dishes inside saucers in order that no food gets knocked on the
> moss and promotes mold growth.  I give the crickets a paper egg carton or
> two and/or paper towel rolls to hang out in.  I've had crickets live for
> a
> month in an environment like this, with minimal smell and few deaths.
> I've had Thrasymachus since he was about 5 months old.  When he was a
> juvenile he lived in the same habitat, but he ate ~10 2wk old crickets
> every
> other day.
> Today, he is very healthy, has a big fat tail, he's relatively active for
> a
> creature with such a low metabolism, and he's very cheerful--of course
> it's
> hard to tell if a leo is unhappy with that smile carved into their faces.
> I'm sure Thrasymachus is happy though.
> I hope this helps some.
> Good luck with Enzo!
  Diane Rudesal

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