The law applies to all reptiles and amphibians (apart from axolotls). It is mainly about quarantine. Australia's animals have evolved mostly in isolation. Many of the species introduced with European settlement have gone feral and are out of control...(Cats are the worst problem, but also foxes, camels, rabbits,etc. etc.) The main fear is that an introduced species will bring in a pest that will wipe out native species. We already have OPMV and IBD which kill native pythons much quicker than the Boas etc. on which it is meant to have come in with.

There is an illegal trade in exotic reptiles but the fines are severe and the animals are inevitably put down when encountered by authorities.

Most of the native animals are kept on licence. We submit returns to the various state departments which keep track who has what etc. Each state has different laws but it is the feds that control the quarantine side of things.

regards __daavid

 HerpTrader-A Herp Shop(TM) initiative-Just a $10 listing fee per ad.

Diane Rudesal wrote:
Thanks for the advice, Daavid. That's interesting, that you can't keep
geckos that aren't native to Australia. Does that apply to other types
of animals as well? Is it a federal law?
I do have thermometers in the cage, one on each side, and since he
always seems to be on the warmer side, it probably is too cold for him.
I'll have to try something else heat-wise and put another house
somewhere in the middle as well.

What do you use to mist them? I think Enzo might freak out if I did that
to him.

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 18:43:57 +1000, "Daavid"
I cannot offer too much information specific to leopard geckos as we are not allowed to keep them (because they are not native to Australia) but I can offer some general advice.

Temperature wise create a heat gradient from one end of the cage to the other with places to hide across the heat range. Use a thermometer to check out your temperature gradient. Do not rely on thermostat settings or guess from the output of your heat source. If your gecko is always up the hot end of the cage it is probably too cold. If he is at the cold end then it is probably too hot. If he ranges around the middle then it is probably about right. For most geckos I would be misting them from time to time. (I mist our cilarus geckos most mornings.) I am happy to see them lick the water from their faces ;-) For many species this is how they drink most of the time.

regards __daavid

  HerpTrader-A Herp Shop(TM) initiative-Just a $10 listing fee per ad.

Cyndy wrote:
What wattage was the heat emitter? You might try a lower wattage.

-- "Diane Rudesal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for your input, Sonya. I think Enzo is getting better now. He
seems to like the changes I made back to what he was used to. I think a
lot of his problem was stress, as you mentioned. The sand might not be
ideal, but he seems to prefer it since that's what he grew up with. I
think I freaked him out a little today when I tried adding heat above
his tank again (see my message in response to Elizabeth) but after I
took it off again he went back in his house on the side with the
undertank heater.

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 21:38:52 -0500, "Sonya Owings"

I am assuming that you are talking about leopard geckos. I agree tha tthe calci-sand is not good. The sand pieces are not round, they have sharp edges on them. I actually just use paper towels. As for the light, leopard geckos are more of a nocturnal gecko, they do not need a light. Do make sure that you have an under tank heater on one side of the tank and a cooler side too. They also like to have hiding places during the day. I also had trouble with a male that I bought at a reptile show. It seemed very healthy but once home would not eat. Finally started eating and got to be healthy again. However, I then moved it and the same thing happened. I think he just really stresses out.
Hope your gecko gets better!

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