One possible problem could be that you declare a non-template propagator. In that case, you may have to export all functions that must be publicly available using the GECODE_INT_EXPORT macro. Alternatively, you can try running configure with the --disable-gcc- visibility option in order to switch on automatic export of all functions. Another option is to put your propagator not inside Gecode, but into your own code (e.g. directly into the example.cpp file). That's better practice anyway, as otherwise you'll end up patching your propagator into Gecode with every version we release.

Anyway, you should verify with the nm and c++filt commands whether the symbols actually end up in the generated .o and/or .so files.


amina kemmar wrote:


I still have the same error message when calling the new propagator that I added to the gecode/int package!

if you can give me the steps to compile a new propagator and how to use it under gecode?



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