
this means that libgecodeminimodel.so is not properly linked.  Make  
sure it's on the path that the linker searches.


cristian wrote:

> Hi
> I'm working scheduling with cumulatives and others constraints
> using gecode 3.02 ,eclipse  and ubuntu.
> I was working correctly until my ubuntu break up.
> Install again ubuntu and over the same eclipse load the same project
> and install the same gecode version,but the project don't work
> ans this error is showed:
> /home/cris/Documentos/workspace/ConstraintEngine/Debug/../ 
> Restricciones.cc:37: undefined reference to  
> `Gecode::BoolExpr::~BoolExpr()'
> ./Restricciones.o: In function `Gecode::operator||(Gecode::BoolExpr  
> const&, Gecode::BoolExpr const&)':
> /usr/local/include/gecode/minimodel/bool-expr.hpp:70: undefined  
> reference to `Gecode::BoolExpr::BoolExpr(Gecode::BoolExpr const&,  
> Gecode::BoolExpr::NodeType, Gecode::BoolExpr const&)'
> ./Restricciones.o: In function `Gecode::operator&&(Gecode::BoolExpr  
> const&, Gecode::BoolExpr const&)':
> /usr/local/include/gecode/minimodel/bool-expr.hpp:65: undefined  
> reference to `Gecode::BoolExpr::BoolExpr(Gecode::BoolExpr const&,  
> Gecode::BoolExpr::NodeType, Gecode::BoolExpr const&)'
> ./Restricciones.o: In function  
> `Gecode::BoolExpr::post(Gecode::Space&, bool, Gecode::IntConLevel)  
> const':
> /usr/local/include/gecode/minimodel/bool-expr.hpp:59: undefined  
> reference to `Gecode::BoolExpr::NNF::nnf(Gecode::Region&,  
> Gecode::BoolExpr::Node*, bool)'
> /usr/local/include/gecode/minimodel/bool-expr.hpp:59: undefined  
> reference to `Gecode::BoolExpr::NNF::post(Gecode::Space&, bool,  
> Gecode::IntConLevel) const'
> collect2: ld devolvió el estado de salida 1
> make: *** [Tesis] Error 1
> what is this error?, I was reviewing the linker and all is in place,  
> may be my ubuntu ?
> Regards
> Thanks for you help
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