Hi again,

I tried my best to create a small example, but then I got stuck during
debugging at creating the DFS engine. (I was lead to core.hpp line 3165
(gecode 3.1.0)).
So I don't know yet if this example produces the problem I have.

The algorithm creates an array with different sets (here 5 sets with 2
values each) and these sets are constrained by some equations (two in
this case) that result in 0.

Here is the code:

#include <gecode/int.hh>
#include <gecode/driver.hh>
#include <iostream>

using namespace Gecode;

class CSP : public Space {
        IntVarArray v;
        CSP( int arr[5][2] ) {

        // create array with different sets
        int tmp[2];

        for (int i=0; i<5; i++){
                tmp[0] = arr[i][0]; tmp[1] = arr[i][1];
                IntVar i(*this, IntSet( tmp, 2));
                v.add( *this, i );

        // formulate equations coefficients
        IntArgs ia(5,0,-1,1,1,0);
        IntArgs ib(5,-1,1,-1,0,1);

        // constraints
        linear (*this,ia,v,IRT_EQ, 0, ICL_DEF );
        linear (*this,ib,v,IRT_EQ, 0, ICL_DEF );

        branch ( *this,v,INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX,INT_VAL_MIN );


CSP( bool share, CSP& s ) {
        v.update(*this, share, s.v);

virtual Space* copy( bool share ) {
        return new CSP(share,*this);

void print( void ) {
        std::cout << v << std::endl;

int main( void ) {
        int arr[5][2] = {{-2,1},{-1,5},{3,2},{-4,3},{2,-2}};
        CSP* c = new CSP(arr);
        DFS<CSP> dfs(c);
        delete c;
        CSP* cc;

        while ( cc=dfs.next() ) {
                delete cc;
        return 0;


On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 10:34 +0200, Guido Tack wrote:
> Martin Kreißig wrote:
> >> You can use opt.solutions(0) with DFS, too.
> >
> > Alright, but how do I pass opt to my CSP object?
> You don't.  The Options class is for use with the driver  
> infrastructure.  So either you use the driver, and Script::run, or you  
> don't use options.  There's a different options class controlling the  
> search itself (it's documented).
> > The problem is: When testing I insert - lets say 3 - specific  
> > combination of variables that fulfil the constraints. Then every  
> > variable gets its set (of size 3). So the output should be (at  
> > least) 3 combinations. What I get is some of my original solutions,  
> > some mixed solutions, but some of the originals are skipped.
> >
> > Can it be that some values are deleted? but that shouldnt be the case.
> That's impossible to answer without seeing the actual problem.  Maybe  
> you can post a simple, small example.
> Cheers,
>       Guido
Martin Kreißig <martin.kreis...@lss.uni-stuttgart.de>

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