
if you just want to encapsulate two IntVars to make modeling easier, simply implement a wrapper class that forwards the relevant operations (such as update) to the two component variables. There's nothing special about IntVars, they're plain C++ objects and you can put them in whatever other class you like.

Shouldn't Different_Point implement Px != Gx OR Py != Gy rather than AND?


amina kemmar wrote:


To model my problem, I need to use Point(x-coordinate, y- coordinate), I can separate the point in two variables (IntVar), I obtain:

IntVar Px;
IntVar Py;

IntVar Gx;
IntVar Gy;

Different_Point(*this,Px,Py,Gx,Gy, ICL_DOM); // It is a new constraint which post propagator for Px != Gx and Py != Gy

I want to implement the variable PointVar to obtain a model like this:

PointVar P;
PointVar G;
Different_Point(*this, P, G, ICL_DOM);

This new variable is composed by two IntVar, I don't understand how to implement it, if you can give me the first step to do this, or any documentation or information about the implementation of a new variable?

thank you,

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