
First, thank you for your very quick answer.

There is no general mechanism in Gist for viewing the choices made during search. Gecode supports advanced, user defined choices that post propagators and/or modify variables, so it would be very hard to make something general.

If you would like to know how your particular problem works, you could hack it together for your particular application though. If you implement your own Brancher you could let it record the last choice made during search in the Space. The print-function could add this to the output when you inspect a node. Implementing your own Brancher is fairly straight-forward, see examples/black-hole.cpp and examples/knights.cpp for two custom Branchers.
I had a look at the files you mention as well as examples/queen-armies.cpp. In all these examples, the choice of the variable is performed in the status method. Is this always the case ? For my part, I just want to reproduce (except the recording of the last choice) a default branching behaviour :
branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_MAX) ;
I initially performed the selection of both the variable and the value in the choice method. Is it the proper way to achieve this or do I have to split each selection in the status method and in the choice method ?


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 6:37 PM, benoit <benoitlaur...@neuf.fr <mailto:benoitlaur...@neuf.fr>> wrote:

    I beg your pardon if my question is trivial. When exploring the search
    tree using Gist, I would like to display the variable considered at a
    node and the assignment performed. How can I do this ? The
    suggests the implementation of an inspector but I don't know how
    to do.
    Thanks in advance.

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