Hi Ellis,

Ellis Breen wrote:
> I'm currently looking for a free-as-in-beer constraint programming  
> library with bindings in both C/C++ and Python. It seems Logilab  
> started a Python wrapper for Gecode but never completed it. Are  
> there any rival implementations? Would it be non-trivial to use SWIG  
> for this?

we're currently implementing an interface to the Numberjack Python  
library (http://4c110.ucc.ie/numberjack/home).  It's work in progress,  
but we expect enough progress for it to be usable soon.  The interface  
is generated using SWIG.

> Apparently Cassowary also supports Python but I can't seem to find  
> the bindings.
> Also, has anyone attempted to integrate the Minizinc to Flatzinc  
> compiler into a project containing Gecode, to allow interpretation  
> of Minizinc scripts without using an intermediary program?

That's not so easy, because mzn2fzn is written in Mercury, and  
currently only available as a stand-alone program.  It's should be  
possible to wrap the Mercury code in a C library, but that hasn't been  
done yet.


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