hi every one,


i just begin in gecode, i use the element constraint for matching two sets, i 
read carefully "modeling with gecode" and i run this command: 


IntArgs cf(4,13,4,25,16,29,8);

for(int i=0;i<7;i++)


element(*this, cf, xb[i], yb[i]);



xb and yb are IntVarArray (*this,8,0,30) i get this: {4,13,16,25} 7 times and 
the last is [0...30]


if i try with this set cf(3,13,4,25,16,29,8) i get {4,13,25} 7 times and the 
last is [0...30]


i haven't understand how this constraint work. can some one explain me ? 


what i want to do is: first set i have this {0,1,2,3,4,5} the second set 
containt a variable Intvar x with diffrent domain 0....10, 2..6, 4......44


i have to check if x is in the first set when x is egal to one of this domain.
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